Sasha refused to let Lazarus break from her grasp. She would not lose him to Zeref... she was not going to let him spiral back into that dark pitful, and if he even so much as begin to slip away from her, she was going to encase his ass in ice. She was not going to lose him. Not to Zeref. Not to any bimbo on the street that thought they could have a swing at the great model Lazarus. No... after everything they had been through... she would not give up on him now. As he started to cry, cry evidently as hard as he could, sasha clutched at him, holding him close against her, not caring what anyone thought as she simply tried to envelope him in her warm, comfort and love. Nothing was going to hurt him while she was around. Nothing. He was here, back with her. Where he belonged. And she was never going to let him out of her sight, not for long. Everytime she turned around, he was getting into some sort of trouble. Well, they would deal with it together. "I love you too, Lazarus. Zeref will never have you, not while I'm around." And that went for everyone. She didn't know what was going to happen, but... she wouldn't let Zeref destroy Phoenix Wing as Fairy Tail had been, as all the other guilds that had been there had been. No... this was their time.They would win. "We will make it home... we have faith." Smiling, she brushed away his tears, and taking his hand in hers, she rose. "Thank you for the help, jasmine.. " She said, gaze going to the exceed. "And if you think they are so easy to handle, Exceed, have at it. I'd love to see it." She was not in the mood for such boastful and degrading words from a flying cat. There was too much else going on, too much else that was more important. She brought her gaze to Zeref. "You're wrong. We [i]will[/i] stop you." She said, her voice strong as she kept her gaze on the dark mage. "chance saw Fairy Tail's failure 100 years ago... but there's something you are forget, Zeref Dark mage. the Fairies and their allies are here... and they won't be in your control for long." Her gaze swept across the dragons, the slayers of old. Fairy tail mages and their companions from 100 years ago... and some of those gathered were descended from Fairy tail mages. They had Ferrin. And Mavis. And everyone else. They were going to win. No other option was possible. This was it. "Weaken him, as much as you guy." She shouted, her Ice Queen armour once more covering her. [hr] It was hard for Penny to stand there and watch as Demon was attacked by Zeref several times, but after the first time he handled himself, Penny knew it would be okay. That didn't mean that she didn't fight the urge to go to him, to the others she considered family. Her gaze swept over everyone, before finally resting on the dragons. The Dragon slayers of old had been turned into dragons by a failing in their magic... could that be healed? Taking to the air, Penny hovered over the dragons, not taking her gaze away from them as she contemplated the extent of the healing song she would need to use. It might very well kill her. But what did that matter now? She'd just come back. If she choose to. Briefly her gaze flicked to those she loved. If Jasmine's reaction was anything to go by, they would no doubt be distressed. her sight rested on Ariel. She still hadn't fixed things there. she didn't know how. This was just something she had to do, now. If it saved her family... her small scarfice would be worth it. And she'd come back anyway. Gathering all the energy she could, Penny poured it all into the song she started to sing. It was beautiful, and almost holy in a way and as it enveloped the dragons. But even as it did so, she knew that that wouldn't work. Shifting, she broke off the song, and brought her gaze to Zeref. She doubted the killing song would have much effect on him... Thinking a moment or two, she finally decided on a song to try and weaken him and began to sing, focusing on him and him alone. She poured her magic into it, knowing that it was still too little to deal with Zeref. But with luck... it would weaken him. [hr] "They are my family. And I will protect them. I will not leave until I know they are okay." Jarvis told the spirit. "And that doesn't just mean Jamie and Amelia. Until they are safe, I will stay here." He was not going to lose another daughter. And he was not going to lose Jamie- he doubted that he would be able to survive either lose. not again. Shifting, he held two lacrima in his hand, ready to act when required. [hr] "Unwavering faith and resilient bonds will bring even miracles to your side." Mavis said, her voice somehow carrying through the commotion, as she kept her gaze on Zeref. "You may not be Fairy Tail, but the faith and bond is there. Use it. Banish the shadow!" How should wished she could use Fairy sphere, but not this time, not here. Not now. The only other attack that she could safely use would be Fairy Law. Gathering the power, Mavis knew she had to be precise. She could not fail here. Too much was at stake. And how... poetic that she would deal damage, deal a heavy blow to Zeref, with the altered spell Law that he had taught her. That she had used and cursed herself. it seemed... justice, in a way. She would use a dark spell she had modified into a Light spell to banish evil from the world. And Zeref was her enemy. He had proven that long ago... but did she know it in her heart? She thought of everything that had happened... everything that would happen if she faltered here... She had to put an end to this. [i]There is a wall that can't be destroyed with just power. However, there is a type of power that can destroy that wall. The Power of Feelings[/i] Zeref had destroyed her guild, no matter what she felt about him. He had destroyed the light she had helped create... And he wanted to destroy this light, as well. The light of Fairy desendants... the light of everyone there. [i]Everything begins in the deep abyss of Magic. A Magic that unites it all, love. Love can cause miracles. And the love between the two that have been living with the curse have brought the highest level of contradiction. The more one loves, the more one will take away from another. This curse has taken my life from me, even if I was supposed to be immortal[/i] Love. Closing her eyes, Mavis brought to mind everyone she had loved. Makarov, whom she had named, who had been her god son. Lexus, his son. Natsu, Lucy... Warrod. Yuri. Precht. Zera. Oh, Zera... Zeref had destroyed the happy life she had had. Opening her eyes, her voice clear, her gaze on Zeref. "You're right. This ends now. [i]Fairy Law[/i]" The magic gathered into a bright light, enveloping the area- keeping everyone safe that she didn't want hurt, the attack sentered on Zeref. [hider=mentions][@Zarkun] [@Crimson Raven] [@T2wave] [@Hatakekuro] [@Lunarlord34] [@Burthstone] [@Silver Fox] [@CitrusArms] [@Demon Shinobi] [@LightningMaiden] [@Joshua Tamashii] [@Oblivion666] [@YipeeXD][/hider]