[Hider=Mr Fox][color=orange][h1]Mr Fox[/h1] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/131852824/large.jpg[/img] [b]Their True Name [/b] Felix Vulpis [b]Their Stage Name[/b] The Fantastic Mr Fox [b]The Date they Joined the Circus[/b] (The Circus began on January 1, 1634) First of July, 1835 [b]The Act[/b] The Stage Magician, enrapturing the crowds with powerful illusions. His contract gifted him with the Jack of Elements, able to utilize earth, wind, water, fire, and lightning. Due to the nature of a Jack, he can only use each element to half the potential of a pure elemental, though he makes up for that in being able to combine them. The price for the power is his identity. So long as he remains in the circus, he cannot say his name nor be acknowledged outside his persona of "Mr Fox". [b]Why they Joined the Circus[/b] Quite frankly, to stay alive. Felix in his youth was an idiot who dabbled in the occult in a stupid quest for knowledge. Half killed by an errant demon, he was approached by the Ringleader who offered the contract which saved his life. [b]Their Biography[/b] In his youth, he was a bright and ambitious man. Gaining a scholarship to a prestigious university, he studied chemistry, which led him to alchemy and from there to the occult. He was drawn towards summoning of a demon. The dark abilities of the creatures were so seductive. His hubris at thinking he could control the beast lead to his undoing. The beast broke its bindings, trashed his study, and brutally maimed him. This was when the Ringmaster intervened. Appearing before Felix, he offered a choice: die here, or sign a contract. Naturally, the occultist's ego forced him to sign... and on that day Felix Vulpis died. Mr Fox however, his story was just beginning. The magician with the odd sense of humour, he became a regular fixture in the show. With age tempering his hubris, he finds quiet comfort in bringing joy to those around him. [b]Their Connections[/b] Among the older members still active, Felix takes the role of a slightly trolling teacher, often helping newbies learn to use their powers... while abusing the fact they haven't learned the degree of paranoia the others have cultivated to deal with his 'jokes' [b]Their Audition[/b] [i]The stage was dark, the drumroll the only sign there was actually an act going on. As it reached it's climax, a flash of lightning struck the center stage, blinding everyone temporarily. When my eyes finally cleared, [/i]He[i] was stood in center stage, a spotlight upon him. The man swirled his hands as a spray of water shot up out of nowhere. He proceeded to sculpt the spary into a fox, before pulling a flame out of the water. Somehow this made it freeze into a sculpture. With a wave of his hand the fireball shot off and, even more amazingly, the ice fox chased after it. When the fox caught the fire, both of them exploded into a rainbow of twinkling lights. The man gave a sweeping bow, before seeming to fade into the air in golden sparks.[/i] [/color][/hider]