[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0vyHhwZ.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=white][b]New York City, Manhattan[/b] [color=gray]City Streets[/color][/color][hr][/right] [indent]The Gordanians snarled as one of them was immediately thrown aside with little effort. But they were not afraid of a boy with the strength of a flamop, nor did they have reason to be. The Gordanians had feuded for centuries with beings of great strength and they had adapted to it. Tamaraneans, Thanagarians, and many others had been their sworn rivals. The ferocity of Gordanians was known to all of the races surrounding the Tamaranean Empire. As she fired several starbolts at her enemies, causing one of the Gordanian staves to explode in a burst of ion. As a group of Gordanians began to access the threat of her accidental rescuer one of the veteran hunters of the pack let out a loud snarl-like command, and it send a chill down Kori's spine. [color=gray][i]Destroy him! The princess is mine.[/i][/color] Before she knew it all of the Gordanians minus the leader aimed their staff weapons at the boy and fired them at once while the one who had singled her out leaped through the air, his staff nearly hitting her square in the head. Her worries had been going to the people around her and her ally of convenience and it was beginning to effect her battle awareness. The warlord who trained her would be screaming at her if he could see her now. As she dodged another strike from her enemy, the Gordanian twirled his staff, his finger slipping across a trigger and a blast of energy hit her in the face at point blank range. A blinding, bone chilling pain was the only thing she felt for a few seconds before she felt the Gordanian clutching her hair. Before she knew it she had been spun around and tossed like a ragdoll. As her body collided with full force on one of the lightposts below. Before she could feel undazed the feeling of the staff slamming into her stomach caused her to regain her faculties, though not in the most ideal circumstance. She began to channel the energy she had left, drawing from the deepest of her reserves and in a few seconds her enemy was flying across the street from the expulsion of energy she had unleashed from her body. For a few moments she had time to compose herself, but she probably didn't have much more energy left. She coughed in pain before breathing long and deep. It wasn't over yet. [/indent]