[b]Miss Alice Revya Rose[/b] Being homeless wasn’t so bad. Not when you could take whatever you wanted and didn’t mind the consequences. Breaking in a house when no one was home. Eat some of their cereal. Go ‘shopping’ through their clothes. Clean up. Alice did bring her own toothbrush. That was one of the few things she bothered to keep with her. Sometimes she ran into kids. She’d just play a few games with them and they wouldn’t mind her staying. Sometimes the kids were older, sometimes it was adults who were as irresponsible as kids. Just a bit of violence fixed that problem. At this point, she was pretty good at just knocking people senseless. Still, Miss Rose did have a sense of responsibility, and as such she found it would be suitable to have at least some source of income. Money was king, and it was much easier to buy some things than hope that some house somewhere would have it. So she had gotten a job at a run-down pizza shack. It seems they were pretty desperate to hire, since many of their employees took a leave or simply quit. Something about being near a quarantined zone, Alice didn’t really know. Or care. She had never been sick here on Earth. Not beyond the first few flus, colds, and vaccinations. That didn’t count as never did it? But back to the point, the pizza delivery part-time woman girl was busy staring down some thugs. It wasn’t very effective with sunglasses and some ridiculously logo’d company hat. Quizza Pizza. Did that even make sense? Ah, Alice was sure she missed some part of the recollection that had gotten her in this situation, but it didn’t really matter. Do what you want, deal with the consequences, and forget the rest. She went into action, smacking one thug down with the pizza box, smashing her foot in another’s jaw, and tossing the remaining thug (who tried to run mind you,) into a garbage can. It didn’t matter if the food was ruined in the process. She could just coerce the customer into paying anyways. [i]”Now where’s 216 Oak Street…?”[/i]