[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/92/a2/7d/92a27d4b2a01a684dbba4b8a15a6d5ab.gif[/img] [h2]The Glade - Mistakes Hath Been Made[/h2][/center] [i]Ah, such a grand chain of events. It had not even been twenty-four hours since our heroes had been summoned and they had already caused lasting effects on their environment! A simple excavation was enacted by our humble lizardman right at below the very dirt he was summoned upon. As scaled fingertips scooped dirt and root away layer after layer, moist soil would soon begin to be apparent, and then the traces of water as a small spout would spurt out in freedom. Meanwhile, the traveling heroes had begun their journey away from danger. The chiroptoraptor just began to reach the forest end of the Glade, peaking his dark-red and brown razorscale head out of the overgrowth and revealing an utter lack of ocular organs. Instead his spined nose glew a bright blue and illuminated a large area around him, drawing in wafts of his environment. His head then retreated back into the wild growth with much quieter growl. The heroes with stronger aptitude for magic would sense the creature now as it was closer, the twelve-foot tall dinosaur sneakily creeping nearby as he searched for the newborn prey. Those said heroes had been making ground for some time, and as the Bestia made way for a large hilltop to get a better view of the strange new environment they had been summoned to they would find that a distant village would be opposite-bound from their location. But that was the least of our little lizardman’s worries. A tremor would be felt for several miles surrounding the Glade, those it’s source would be more apparent to our Henry as a chasm would begin to open up right below the standing stones. It was a sinkhole? A great maw was beginning to form and the reptilian man would need to act fast if he wished to survive the coming consequences of his actions. The gem would have to wait, his life was on the line. A bright aquamarine light would fire from the large chasm of swirling water and earth’s epicenter straight to the heavens, humming with power and mystery. There was also the sound of loud rushing of torrents in the mana-filled maelstrom that was formed by the hero’s meddling. The overwhelming mana filling the air in quite the large radius around the Glade would effect our elf girl the most. The sense of suffocation would fill her lungs and crush down on her windpipe. The tingle of magic would turn into pins and needles surrounding her body, it was a horrifying sense like insect bites inescapable. Our dark and moody witch would follow as a close second, though some eldritch connection would shield her from this feeling a bit and instead fill her with the sense of anxiety. Mana was such a wonderful thing, but it was also far more dangerous than these heroes could currently understand.[/i] [hr] [center][img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/fe04734bd0db73e9abc13315d2cc7f8a/tenor.gif[/img][/center] [h2]Tici - Strangers Arrive In Our Village[/h2] [i]Two screaming idiots could be heard in the quiet little farm village of Tici. One voice came from the Kasthia Wheat Field, the two Bestia women had fled the huma kingdoms to live in peace together away from the tyrannical hyper-religious rule. And now they were just two beautiful women who worked hard, baked bread, and lived their best gay lives. But now there was a rose-cheeked Dwema man making noises on their property, the nerve, and it was Lenelia Kasthia who marched out with a sword in hand towards the hero’s location. She would finally reach him, she towered in comparison with her tan skin, blue textile overalls, bright green eyes, and two tall pointy black-hair dog ears right atop her head. “[b]Da’ feck ye’ doing on my property ya’ mudfucker![/b]” She extended her swords out to the stout Dwema man, the bladed end a good three feet above his giant head. As for the scorpion lady at the bottom of the well? Her screaming would attract the youths of the village that gathered in the center of their village to play together. Six concerned expressions glanced down the well, not really concerned with helping the stranger but more so how they got down there in the first place. “[b]Weird lady, you know there’s a monster in our well right?[/b]” A small lizard boy blurted out, his blue scaly hand cupping around his maw to shout down at her.[/i]