Dan nodded at his friends "I'll remember next time, I didn't plan it, it just happened. Anyways be glad you guys didn't go, he had me lug some gross-smelling bags." When the two showed their new Pokémon, Dan smirked "Nice guys. Guess I have to pick up the pace with training to stay ahead both in the cool and strength factor." He said, reaching for a Poke ball that wasn't there. "I heard evolution means your Pokémon trust you. I wonder when Grotle's gonna evolve again." He said as he thought [color=ec008c]If he ever trust me again.[/color] Dan's eyed his own shoes quickly waving off sadness, and making sure his body stays in check, he was glad his friends made the effort to talk to him tonight, but, what happened earlier could happen at any time. On top of that, seeing Crowne cuddle up, the love the Pokémon showed its trainer had made Dan feel worse and worse, reminding him [color=ec008c]They don't like you anymore. They don't trust you.[/color] The sadness Dan had just waved off visibly returning in force.