I can say without a doubt that I am glad for such a positive response to my character sheet :). Everything you said about his Shadowborn abilities is true. All Shadowborn, however, can manifest the shadows, but his are more potent. I haven't given much thought on how he does it, and since it is quite late here, I will add detail to the process tomorrow. I definitely agree with the alternate solution. It works quite neatly, and does solve the issue of room space. However, on the nurse, the reason she is Shadowborn is if he suddenly becomes violent, she can also control the shadows, and force them to unmanifest etc. Also, I thought that one of his treatments could be the nurse using shadows to rip his body apart. Again, thank you for the positive and detailed response. I had no idea that getting by Xodus was such an achievement. That may go into my signature or something :P Edit: Sorry, missed one of your questions. Yes, it would affect him, however if he fades into a shadow the medicine would be left a puddle.