[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OIRQIXv.png[/img][/center] [i][color=dimgray]That was...! Was he...? ...famillar... NO! BAD MAN! BAD MAGIC! Felt like but it wasn't could it be Want to run away can't run must act! PROTECT HIM DESTORY HIM protect destroy protect destroy YOU CAN'T HAVE IT Itwasdarkanditwascoldandithurthurthurtcan'tseecan'tmovecan'thearcan'tspeakcan'tactalone...Alone...ALONE![/color][/i] A sudden ear-piercing scream, like a banshee's keening, erupted from the shadow of the cliffs behind Ferrin and a dark shape, lead by a starkly white mask, came charging out of the shadows, shrouded by an ominous power. [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xPZoDGJ.jpg[/img] [h2][color=silver]Ferrin Astra[/color][/h2] [h3]Tenrou Team - The Magi's story: Shadow of the Past [/h3][/center] [center] [sub]Direct interaction: [@MarshiestMallow], [@Zarkun][/sub] [hider=Everyone Else] [sub] [@YipeeXD] [@T2wave] [@Hatakekuro] [@LightningMaiden] [@Lunarlord34] [@Burthstone] [@Silver Fox] [@CitrusArms] [@Demon Shinobi] [@Joshua Tamashii] [/sub] [/hider] [/center] Ferrin shouldered his sword and gave Mavis a cocky grin. [color=silver]"I do think first. I will have you know that it takes effort to be this much of a wiseass."[/color] Despite his outward cheerful obliviousness, his eyes were scanning the situation, and his mind behind them, playing out possible scenarios. Most of them ending badly. If it was just Zeref or just the dragons, maybe. But if the both of them were to attack at once... Around him, his comrades were in various states of shock, fear, hate, powering up, and the occasional schizophrenic fit. [i][color=silver]Is this baby-faced wannabe Evil Overlord brat really that evil?[/color][/i] He wondered. Sure, he'd heard of Zeref, but these people we acting like he'd personally kicked their pregnant mother's puppy or something. Then the alleged dark wizard addressed him. But he attacked first. How rude. Caught flat-footed, Ferrin tossed up an embarrassingly clumsy shield. The onrush of magic quickly shattered the silvery barrier, continuing on toward Ferrin himself. However, it had been weakened enough to splash harmlessly against his Regalia's defenses. His cloak briefly flared up in an irregular rainbow of normally invisible runes, the symbols of the enchantments woven into its fabric. They faded quickly, but it was clear to anyone watching that the innocent-seeming clothing was, in fact, a warded magical armor. Acting as if he didn't have another close shave, Ferrin dramatically raised an eyebrow. [color=silver]"Well. Well. The great wizard knows my name. I'm flattered."[/color] He put his metal hand to his chest and gave Zeref a mocking parody of a bow. As he rose he added, [color=silver]"Didn't your mother ever teach you that it's rude to attack people then talk to them? You are supposed to talk, then attack. It's practically written in the rulebook."[/color] As if he hadn't used that tactic more then once himself. Instead of engaging in futile repartee with the obvious master, the black wizard attacked with more magic. [color=silver][i]Guess break time is over.[/i][/color] He thought, once again falling into a battle trance. A few stirring speeches were given for good measure by the other wizards nearby. Ferrin prepared his magic and exploded into movement...then was abruptly brought up short as an ear-piercing cry overrode his hearing. A white mask. A black shape. Magic, like a half remembered song familiar yet dissonant. It was dark but it was an empty darkness, crystalline. Like a clear winter's night. Like a fragment of obsidian. The inhuman shape flew past him, it's body, wreathed in formless, twisting, shifting shadows. The only parts of it that were recognizable were its oddly serene white mask and the two enormous, demonic claws that it held raised. It's keening was a mash of negative emotions: anger, despair, grief, fear, hate, and more, balled up and forced out in something that could only loosely be called a scream. He felt the wind from it's passage and watched in awe as its claw swing though the various constructs and anything else in its way, shattering them. A nearby boulder was [i]pulverized[/i] as one of its claws swung though it, and several constructs, without losing any momentum. It never slowed as it carved a trail straight for the Dark Wizard. It swung it's claws fighting with pure animal ferocity, but clearly no skill or training. Just flailing mindless berserk fury. Despite this, its assault was on Zeref only; it darted around anyone nearby with superhuman agility, coming close to, but never actually hurting anyone else. It avoided attacks from either side with incredible speed. And all the while it kept up its mad howling. Whatever it was, it seemed to at least be on their side, for the time being. For once, Ferrin was caught off guard. [color=silver]"What in all seven bloody hells...?"[/color] The Aether wizard whispered after the newcomer, his jaw hanging open. It snapped shut however, as his attention was drawn to Mavis. Mavis preparing one of the greatest Spells that had ever been invented. [color=silver][i]Fairy Law[/i][/color] He felt a twinge of guilt, which quickly turned to fear as his instincts started screaming at him, telling him something was off. [color=silver]"Guildmaster, don't!"[/color] He shouted too late. He didn't know what it was, but something felt horribly wrong.