Kharne had done a quick patrol of the village, keeping an eye on the soldiers while keeping out of sight. Even the Falcon's had a hard time trying to find him once he decided not to be found. Being black and dark colors made him blend in with shadows easily and he knew the village far better than them. Once he made sure there were no threats he moved to the 'Command Post'. He could hear and smell multiple people within, and without a second thought he swung the door open and ducked into the building. Almost immediately all eyes were upon him, which earned the lot a flat stare. S'venia introduce him and that he'd essentially be their body guard. [color=red]"I had to make sure no one was doing something stupid."[/color] He rumbled out, the room just barely trembling at the deep base of his voice. Actually his voice was almost painful to listen to! Soon things became a questioning of who was best used where, and the tiny elven being propping a bowl on the table. The group got to witness the rest of the forces that were supposed to arrive get slaughtered by something large with a porcelain mask. [color=red]"A single being wiped them out? That doesn't sound like a useful force..."[/color] He rolling thunder voice rung out. He was clearly unimpressed. Now the other leaders were explaining how their forces would be best used. Speedy scouts and a magical shield line. Useful. [color=red]"You know how best to use me. Either have me as a reserve or send me to shatter the line."[/color] Kharne stated before he felt a tap on his wrist. He turned his attention down and gave Beatrix a bit of a hard glare. [color=red]"Don't touch unless you wish to spar."[/color] He growled out softly as he shifted fluidly away from her.