[center][h1]γ€˜[color=00aeef]π•Άπ–šπ–—π–”π–‰π–† π•Ύπ–π–Žπ–“π–•π–†π–ˆπ–π–Ž[/color]γ€™[/h1][/center] [@Kurisa] [hr] Shinpachi was dashing after the hollow, along with Shizuo. Being sent on a mission this early on in his career was quite exciting. However, the pairing left something to be desired. Even in the academy, Shinpachi and Shizuo have always had friendly competition of sorts going on all the time. They would always try to one up each other. Being able to remain in Jinzen the longest, being able to shunpo the furthest, being able to fire a Shakkaho without it exploding on them, things of that nature. Admittedly, Shizuo was better Shinpachi at Kido. Its quite evident, as much as Shinpachi would like to not admit. In any case, Shinpachi kept his focus on the task at hand, which was to track and monitor a hollow but they are not to engage it in combat. However, being a hothead, Shinpachi was never really going to let the hollow come into his sights and live to tell its grotesque friends about it. [color=00aeef]"Tsk! What? Stop shout-"[/color] Shinpachi replied to Shizuo. However, the reply was cut short by a slight buzzing noise. Shinpachi kicked off the tree he was planning on landing on hard, redirecting himself out of the way of the incoming red beam of fucking death. [color=00aeef]"Fucking hell. Shizuo!"[/color] Shinpachi made his way to his partner as quickly as he can, tossing him a small roll of gauze and some ointment. [color=00aeef]"Patch yourself up, you're bleeding on my tree..."[/color] Said as a joke, but with a tone of disdain. Seeing the hollow being bound and thrashing about on the ground, Shinpachi sighed. [color=00aeef]"I suppose you couldn't fire some other lazor beeeem to shut its mouth up? Fucking useless, you are. "[/color] Staying back, Shinpachi waited for Shizuo to be back on his feet before formulating their next move.