[quote=Ziogen][b]Miss Alice Revya Rose[/b][/quote] Dirk had [i]no[/i] idea what he was doing. Well, no, he knew that he was doing something incredibly dangerous. He also knew had to be out of his mind. It was crazy, stalking through dangerous alleys with literally no idea as to how he would get behind the biggest quarantine he'd ever witnessed. As he stumbled over a discarded trash can, he realized he was probably just an idiot. It had been months since Dirk had last spoken to Richard "Tyke" Bartlett, the short man with a talent for super speed. Things between them had been distant lately, their friendship little more than seeing each other occasionally on social networks. Still, Dirk could fondly recall the man's constant corny jokes and endless amount of energy. It was no surprise that someone who could be just about everywhere at once would have the most zest for life. For someone as vibrant and awesome as Richard, to be stuck behind that dumb quarantine was a crime against humanity. Dirk knew Richard lived within the quarantine zone, and knew his friend had been in the area when the entire mess began. There was no doubt that Richard would never try to break out of the quarantine to save himself. If the man was still alive, he was probably doing all he could to help those trapped within the quarantine. That's why Dirk had to break in. He had an obligation. The group was going to get back together, even if it would just be the two of them. It had been a few years now since Dirk had last taken the Conduit get-up out of his closet. He found it fit a bit too snug now, showing off more of his body than he would ever care to show. He had stared at himself in the mirror when he put it on, cursing at himself for not taking care of his body. It was a ritual he went through often, but seeing Conduit look just as flabby as Dirk made him feel worse than ever. If the situation hadn't been so dire, Dirk would have probably fried the house in a torrent of self-pity and stayed in bed. It didn't matter now. Here he was, running around in a stupid too-tight costume and looking like an idiot. Dirk desperately hoped no one he knew would see him. Turning a corner, Dirk found a strange scene suddenly unfolding before him. A girl was in mid-strike, smashing a pizza box into some poor man's skull. She evidently had superhuman strength, as the man dropped immediately. Effortlessly, she then moved to smash the next guy with her foot before grabbing a fleeing man and tossing him across the street. Dirk stared. The girl had a pizza delivery hat on. That kind of strength wasn't exactly uncommon. Superhuman strength was a talent many people possessed, though it was unfortunately not one Dirk possessed. It was the kind of talent that could get one across a heavily guarded quarantine. In an effort to appear friendly, Dirk raised his hand to wave at the pizza delivery girl. Unconscious to Dirk, a faint blink of static emitted from his hand as he got the girl's attention. If she tried anything funny on him, he would be ready to retaliate. "Hey," he said, walking toward her. "I, uh..." He paused, unsure how to word his admittedly odd request. "You seem pretty strong!" Right, flexing that charisma.