[center][h1]γ€˜[color=00aeef]π•Άπ–šπ–—π–”π–‰π–† π•Ύπ–π–Žπ–“π–•π–†π–ˆπ–π–Ž[/color]γ€™[/h1][/center] [@Kurisa] [hr] Straining, Shinpachi did his best to hold the hollow still so Shizuo could have a clean target to hit with whatever kido he was planning on using. Meanwhile, Shinpachi was being pulled a bit. Knowing his own strength, Shinpachi moved so his bakudo connected to a tree. In any case, if the hollow managed to break free through brute force, it would have a speeding tree coming at it. Seeing that Shizuo's kido did quite the damage to the hollow, Shinpachi couldn't let his rival just show him up like that. The main objective of the mission was nowhere to be found in his mind at this point. Only a simple bloodlust. Smirking devilishly, Shinpachi quickly climbed up a tree, getting above the hollow and focusing his gaze on the cracked mask. Jumping from his vantage point, he brought his sword down on the hollow. Unfortunately, he missed. Instead of cutting through the cracked mask, he just slashed it down the length of its body, causing damage but not enough to completely finish it off. Now, Shinpachi was dangerously close to the raging hollow...