Koren found the city air distasteful. With a sigh, he pulls out his gas mask to filter out the undesirable air off of his sensitive lungs and moves closer to the rest of the group. Sal, the robot, talked after a beep. [color=00FF00]“The plan rolls ahead as scheduled. Pax, Koren, go acquire a pair of vehicles to stage the accident.”[/color] Koren nodded and went off to acquire a land car. Due to the area’s nature as a city, he easily found one by the slums. The old-style car security was easy to deal with, he thought. With a bit of tampering here and there, the car’s faulty security got easily bypassed, allowing him entry with a confirmatory beep. The Juz’ winced in his mask and quickly jumped in the car to hotwire and run away with it. On the way, he listened to their comms. When Pax confirmed to him that he is near the meeting point, the Juz’ hastened his speed to ram head-first towards the other car. The cars whined and beeped in response. He reckons that if any of their cars were ensured, the respective companies would be hearing about their little wreckage by now. Regardless, he comes out of his car after a few moments and started playing the role of a wronged man. [color=7B68EE]“What are you DOING, you metal REJECT!”[/color] Koren raised his voice past his mask, waving his arms around as he had seen his people and others do so whenever they fought. The heated exchange came just in time for the convoy to stop before them. Someone shouted from inside the cars in a language that Koren could not understand. He simply glared at them and continued on with his [i]argument[/i] until the whirring whine of the entire block’s electric grid shutting down signalled them to raise weapons and fire. The sound of ballistic fire and flashes of energy weaponry made the area appear like a beacon of death to anyone who may be near enough to hear or see the event. [hider=OOC] Tagged: [@Crossfire], [@superservo27], [@ArkmageddonCat], [@Vampire Stepdad] [/hider]