Ed smiles briefly as Asteria finds humor in such a tense situation. The goblin duo was too focused on their task looking for the herbs they needed, they didn't even cast the general area where the rats hid a second glance. If Ed, Asteria, and her mother had chosen to fight, surely they would have had the upper hand without a doubt. The other goblins outside were still preoccupied with their own things when he felt something strange gnawing at the back of his mind. Not the kind of gnawing that the madness had whenever he went berserk. It was something more subtle, like a whispered name you can barely hear amidst a noisy crowd; you hear it somewhat, but you cannot confirm whether or not it was real or merely a trick of the mind. [color=chocolate]'Its...its coming from Jason's cave? What is this feeling? Is it the dungeon cor-'[/color] Ed's train of thought was derailed as the female dire rat alerted the young ratman that the opportunity to escape was at hand. He gestures to Asteria's mother to keep low on the ground and hopes that she understands the non-verbal command as he too takes a low stance as they snuck past the goblins. There was a small chance that the goblins would detect their presence but Ed was confident in his ability to sneak despite his grey-blue fur and larger than normal form. Sure enough, they moved past the possibly hostile group of goblins and moved deep into the forest to the point that he couldn't see the cave entrance; even with his sharpened vision and higher line of sight. He had never been so far from the cave. Though he could not complain, the surroundings were gorgeous. The views and sights he saw during the few times he had went camping when he was still in the old world were incomparable to seeing this landscape. Once he had his fill of the view, he looks to what Asteria making her way up a tree. He was sure that she could have scaled up the tree trunk easily, as she had better control of her fore paws when they were both rats, but just to be sure he was ready to catch her if she makes a mistake and falls. He sits down with his legs crossed on the grass near where Asteria began her tree climb. [color=chocolate]"Don't worry, Asteria. If you fall, I will catch you. I'll just be waiting down here."[/color] He says to her reassuringly as he passively sniffs the air for berries or anything really. Days of eating only raw and bloody meat has left a bad taste in his mouth, literally. Something other than meat would be a great change of pace in regards to his current diet. [hider=Stats] LVL: 5 HP: [color=Green]Healthy[/color] SP: [color=yellowGreen]Rested[/color] MP: [color=green]Full[/color] Effect/s: [b]SKILLS:[/b] Unspent Skill Points: [color=red]12[/color] Current Skills: Beast Sense II (1.4) Rabid Fit I (1.2) Stronger I (1.05) [color=green]ACTIVE[/color] Muffle I (1.0) [color=green]ACTIVE[/color] __________________________________ SKILL PROGRESS: Material Analysis (0.2) Magic Analysis (0.6) Monster Analysis (0.6) Faster (0.4) Warcry (0.1) Alert (0.3) Dexterous (0.8) Tremor Sense (0.025) Mental Resistance (0.9) Telepathy (0.075) Mana Shape (0.6) Focus (0.6) Shield (0.5) Mana Shell (0.3) Soil Manipulation (0.45) Overwork (0.5) Harder (0.2) Crafting (0.25) First Aid (0.1) Meditate (0.3) [b]Inventory:[/b] - Vine Belt (Shoddy Quality) - Healing Herbs x 5 - Flame touched crystals x 2 - Tainted Crystal x 1 [/hider] [hider=Action Summary] Happy that he made the situation a little less tense. Felt the weird feeling from Jason's cave. Follows Asteria's lead sneaking past the goblins. Appreciates the landscape. Takes a seat near the tree Asteria is climbing. Keeps an eye on Asteria as she climbs a tree, ready to catch her if she falls. Passively sniffing the air for berries or other woodland goodies. [/hider] [@SilverPaw]