[center][h3]Ratchet[/h3] Level 2 - (14/20) EXP Location: Scrapyard Word count: 330 [/center] [hr] Ratchet looked over the battlefield trying to figure out what the best play would be. The larger turret was shredding through cover like it was nothing, it reminded him of the stalker turrets Dreadzone used, and boy those things were nasty. The smaller one seemed much less firepower heavy but the pinpoint accuracy made it far more threatening. Ratchet peered around seeing that most people were managing to stay in one piece (Praise Blazermate). Ratchet watched his allies engaging the enemy and in normal circumstances he'd have joined them right away, but this wasn't normal at all. Ratchet was not used to being in a situation like this, having such a limited arsenal and being surrounded by so many allies he needed to worry about, sure he'd worked with the galactic rangers against the Tyhrranoids but they only came in smaller squads and all fought using ranged weapons. But this crew had a good deal of melee combatants, that combined with his only gun being an bomb launcher with a tiny ammo capacity really limited his options. Not to mention Clank's absence... Yeah Ratchet wasn't feeling the best at the moment. Ratchet dove behind cover to avoid getting turned to past by the set of turrets and pulled out his wrench. If it was too risky to use his gun he'd just have to settle for his wrench. Ratchet tapped his wrench against the floor for a moment as he decided what enemy he was going to go after, but before her could make a choice an explosion caught Ratchet's attention. Looking up Ratchet saw the tower start to topple, "Not good." there was no more time to think he had to move. Ratchet vaulted over his cover and sprinted towards the Engineer getting his wrench ready. The centurion was already locked in combat with the Engineer so Ratchet would take this chance to blindside the Engineer, leaping into the air aiming to strike the back of the Engineers head.