[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541675577262735381/543821450675748866/wm79fpvi6cf21.png[/img] Nation Name: Republic of Acrad Type of Government: Stratocracy Head(s) of Government: General Commander Ovald Regix Population: 25,000,000 registered citizens and an unknown number of non-citizens including other races. Climate: Mostly an arid desert, with small spots of savannah and oasis sites and a dry shurbland in the North-Eastern part of the nation where most of the urban centers and settlements are situated. Religion: Multitude of religions. Magic: Only techmaturgical (technology running on magical source) Nation relationships: Soven-Ampara - Acrad struggles to maintain cordial relationships with Soven-Ampara in order to cast more and more influence over the neighbour. They represent a strategic flank and an economic source of food from their fertile lands. Fenice - Economic trade routes and anti-piracy pact. Hastur - Uneasy, hostile tensions between the two nations due to long history of Hastur aggression and republican propagandistic demonization on them and their culture. Regional competing political power. Threat to southern security, and oil rich land ripe for conquest. Andria - Historical disputes over small pockets of border territory, in the present Andria and Acrad maintain a neutral-friendly relationship out of economic necessities for both nations. Vaesen - Unrecognized territory. Not aware of existence. [hider=Economy] Acrad's few cities are great sprawling idustrial powerhouses, where hundreds of workers toil each day in order to fulfill the consumeristic lives of it's citizens. Capitalism is a major economic aspect, however certain institutions require heavy government regulation and centralization, mainly the military, governmental and educational sectors, but even then, they are subsidized by business conglomerates. Low class citizens are forced by circumstances to work, sometimes in awful conditions, in order to support them and their families. There has been increased anti-corporatist sentiment growing among the lower and middle class workers, with only the heavy consumerist society standard keeping them at bay. The economic aspect is very fragile, and any economic catastrophy could lead to a more unstable society. The relatively few areas that are fertile enough are designated by decree as industrial food sectors, dedicated only to growing hardy crops and food in order to sustain the nation's settlements. Techmaturgy plays a role in sustaining the remaining fertile land, where it needs. Greenhouses dot the landscape of the industrial food sectors, protecting the precious harvest from outside sandstorms and other enviromental threat and providing a safe and stable internal ecosystem for imported exotic crops. The many minerals that are used for the manufacture of all manner of good come from the various crusts that dot the desert and the northern mountain section where many mining facilities and towns have been established, their purpose resuming mostly to procuring the precious metals and non-metals, precious or non-precious ones. Lastly, the most vital economic resource that Acrad has been blessed with is the oil rich soil of the desert. Indeed, the oil has become a symbol for Acrad, the hundreds of oil rigs and facilities pumping oil all across the desert. However, the "black gold" is a resource sought by many, and the Wasteland is plagued by savage groups of marauders and raiders, gangs of drug addicts and selfish warlords. The railway system across Acrad and the oil rafineries are subject to numerous raids by the "Desert Rats" as they are commonly known, promting the government and the gangs into a constant cat-and-mouse game of warfare. Exports: - precious and non-precious metals - oil and other fuel - all manner of weapons of war - various manufactured goods Imports: - food - water - luxury goods - magic related resources for techmaturgy - rare materials/resources [/hider] [hider=Unique technology] - T-1000, a series of enormous heavily armoured diesel powered fortresses that are used for both military issues and transportation across dangerous desert territories. Due to the enormous size of those 1000 tons tanks, they are useless out of the desert's plain terrain. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541678674768953385/541993088114229269/rupam-c-tig-ratte-p-1000-2-w-noise-2.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Culture] [hider= Windolia, capital of the Republic] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/8f67fb03-6e1b-4744-9fee-eaf8d12b9bf5/d6bgei2-fd0348fb-610b-49af-982f-86c9893bf812.jpg/v1/fill/w_1473,h_542,q_70,strp/daybreak_by_alexjjessup_d6bgei2-pre.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider= District One of Windolia] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/007/573/188/large/eddie-mendoza-atlas-plaza-aa.jpg?1507058733[/img] Located right in the middle of the city, it's the oldest district of the city. It's limited within the original fortified walls of the old Windolia, which was once the capital of the greatest human nation of Acrad, the Windolian Empire. District One is home to the wealtiest population of Windolia, towering skycrapers rise from the ground level, housing countless corporations and businesses offices. Each building is more lavish than the last, and streets are clean and orderly. Many of Windolia's core organizations reside here, including the Council, the Enforcerer Headsquarters and the megacorporations. [/hider] [hider= District Two] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/006/970/827/large/eddie-mendoza-the-boulevard.jpg?1502691971[/img] Also known as the 'middle district', District Two is home to a great amount of leisure accomodations such as theatres, cabarets and pretty much anything you could imagine, for the right payment of course. Streets are crowded and busy almost anytime, especially at night. Many wealthy people flock at night from District One to Two, for the nightlife and decadent indulgences. The population is mainly composed of above average middle class workers and petty business patrons. [/hider] [hider= District Three] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/006/584/425/large/eddie-mendoza-rainy-street.jpg?1499714226[/img] Much of the population is cramped inside the third district, where the middle class clashes with the poverty of the lower class, where the crime rate is so high that many soldiers patrol the countless streets of the third district in power armors in order to deter criminality, at least in the main boulevards. District Three is home to much of the underground criminal organisations and a blackmarket flourishes among the shadows. Residents of this district are typical average working people, many working in the factories of the corporations and so on, who live in small apartments or slums in towering residential buildings. [/hider] [hider= The Outer Wall] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/259/047/large/rostislav-zagornov-sluts.jpg?1443927228[/img] The settlements surrounding the great concrete outer wall of Windolia, home to the desperate and the non-citizens. This is the home of those who cannot enter the city, either due to non-citizenship. Among humans, the slums are home to those races that for countless centuries mankind has harboured racial bias and hate: orcs, goblins and dark elves. Misery and poverty are a hard reality on these people, and crime is rampant even by the standards of the third district, disease kills many and infrastructure is almost non-existent. It is not impossible to enter the city, however, as every year a fixed quantity of 100 people are selected, after a careful evaluation and trial, to be granted citizeship and access to the city. [/hider] The Republic's finest are it's citizens, who have achieved citizenship in the aftermath of serving their obligatory 5 year military term from 18 to 23 years. From a young age, up until 18 years old, children of citizens are granted the right of attending state-funded educational facilities, learning the basics of what they would need in life. The 5 year military service is viewed as a rite of passage to every young man and woman, before they are given the choice of continuing the military career or follow a workforce educational programme, where those fresh off the military service can learn technical notions in order to pursue essential careers for the benefit of the Republic. There are those that can choose neither, and follow a non-state funded education and pursue a more specialized career, such as lawyers, businessmen and other non-essential jobs. Only those who can pay copious amounts of money can afford this option. [hider= Young acradian during his military service] [img]http://turquoisemoon.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/german-soldier-wwii3.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Location] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541678674768953385/543164062779834369/Map.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Military] Military: Estimated number of active personnel: 500,000 Estimated number of potential personnel based on the population (18-45): Over 5,000,000 Primary military figures: General Commander Ovald Regix [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/543824004717346824/543825430893953044/Untitled-3.jpg[/img] Commander Trouvon Yexen [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/543824004717346824/543824063479414815/ezgif-1-66a83da54a7c.jpg[/img] Commander Answon Wileh [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/543824004717346824/543825425269260288/Untitled-4.jpg[/img] Vonstok Anheb [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/543824004717346824/543825432949293058/Untitled-2.jpg[/img] Rokton Levy [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/543824004717346824/543825434547322910/Untitled-1.jpg[/img] [hider= Landforce] Since citizenship and it's benefits revolve around militaristic aspects, the republican military is heavily complex and organized: From lowest to biggest military units: -Cell: 5 soldiers, led by a Sergeant -Squad: 10-15 soldiers, led by an Officer -Battalion: 500 soldiers, led by a Captain -Regiment: 3,000 soldiers, led by a Colonel -Division: 5,000 soldiers, led by a Petty General -Corps: 50,000 soldiers, led by a Major General -Army: 100,000-500,000 soliders, led by a Commander -War Theatre: 500,000 - +5,000,000 soldiers, led by a General Commander and High Command. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541678674768953385/542476831274827796/Cell.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541678674768953385/542476936652521483/Squad.png[/img] [u]Rifleman[/u] x1 Standard Ensig-T1 bolt action rifle, utilizing 7.92x57mm rounds and having 6 rounds cartige. x2 F1 grenades, called "pocket artillery" by the soldiers [u]Grenadier[/u] x1 Standard Ensig-T2 semi-automatic rifle, utilizing 7.92x57mm rounds and having 12 rounds cartige x2 F1 grenades [u]Engineer[/u] x1 Ensig-T3 Anti-Tank rifle, utilizing 12.7x108mm rounds, carrying up to 3 rounds per magazine x1 W.4 Satchel Charge used for demolition on obstacles, metal doors, etc. X1 HDMC (High Demolition Magnetic Charge) grenade, used to destroy or knock out mechanized targets [u]Machine Gunner[/u] x1 Dunrey MG-02 with bipod, utilizing 7.92x57mm rounds with 50 round drums or 250 round belt x1 Ensig Pistol K Model, utilizing 9x19mm rounds holding 8 rounds per magazine x2 F1 grenades x1 Binocular [u]Sergeant[/u] x1 Standard Ensig-T2 semi-automatic rifle, utilizing 7.92x57mm rounds and having 12 rounds cartige x1 Ensig Pistol K Model, utilizing 9x19mm rounds holding 8 rounds per magazine x2 F1 grenades x2 F2 smoke grenades x1 Binocular [u]Officer[/u] x1 Dunrey SMG-01, fully automatic utilizing 9x19 rounds with 35 rounds per magazine x1 Ensig Pistol K Model, utilizing 9x19mm rounds holding 8 rounds per magazine x2 F1 grenades x2 F2 smoke grenades x1 Binocular The army is split into two main divisions: - Rangers: proper military, most numerous. - Enforcerers: garrison, patrolmen and general settlement para-military. [/hider] [hider=Airforce Corps] The Airforce Corps have undergone a heavy modernization in the last decade, forced by the fact that air warfare has became increasingly present in many nations arsenal. While not as developed as other nations, the acradian Airfoce Corps are a force more than capable to demonstrate their effectiveness in the modern times. [img][/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541678674768953385/542847873373700106/tarkavian_thresher_by_jflaxman_d7529ob-fullview.jpg[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541678674768953385/542847921465327637/HydraBF109AWeb.jpg[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541678674768953385/542847932135899167/tarkavian_despoiler_by_jflaxman_d4n3yfx-fullview.jpg[/img] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/48bb77e5-c7b1-4f73-b92e-9891278c651a/dci4p52-e2662a65-ffe0-4d34-8912-0f5e3ff6a286.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_725,q_80,strp/tarkavian_instigator_by_jflaxman_dci4p52-fullview.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Mechanized Corps] The Mechanized Corps have a tradition of more than 50 years of tradition in fighthing the Wastelands' worst, with some saying that the Mechanized Corps have more prestige than the Landforce itself. The Mechanized Corps have a great deal of different vehicles at their disposal, together with artillery divisions and the elite mechanized infantry. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541678674768953385/543125376222756865/Mechanized_Korps.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541678674768953385/543066749382295552/ac0218123d9e706cd605843f43556305.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541678674768953385/543066746618118145/4a8c54201108b7e348b6420c52264871.png[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=History] Roughly 200 years before the current events the Acrad Realm, as the territory of today's Acrad Republic was known geographically, was inhabited by a multitude of nations: city-states, kingdoms and empires. Back then the land was lush and fertile, capable to support a considerate amount of population. The Acrad Human-Elven War was an event that signalled the downfall of the old civilizations and the proclamation of the Republic of Acrad. The two major political players in the Acrad Realm were the human Empire of Windolia in the west and the eastern dark elven Halzdruun Empire. Racial, economic and cultural differences led to outright war between the two great nations, gradually dragging the petty nations around them in alliances and pacts. Newly introduced industrial warfare, coupled with severe magical abuse in warfare from the elves crippled the lands, engulfing the Acrad Realm into a magical calamity that turned much of the territory into an arid desert enviroment known as the Wasteland. In the aftermath of the calamity and the war, the dark elven nation was eradicated from the political landscape, and the phyrric victorious Empire of Windolia soon succumbed into civil unrest due to famine and weariness. The emperor was deposed in a coup forged by a coalition of his generals and the Acrad Republic was established with political stability and a militaristic democratic zeal, paving the way for their eventual War of Reconquest. Over the course of 50 years, the Acrad Republic subdued all the surviving settlements, city-states and nations across the Wasteland, becoming a major political entity on the continent. The industrial aspect of the new age has given rise to the domination of corporate conglomerates in the cities, encompassing all manner of conventional and unconventional businesses, playing a big role in politics. Infrastructure was heavily expanded and centered around the surviving cities, most of them located within the Western Acrad Realm, where the effects of the calamity weren't near as extreme as the easternmost part. Pacification efforts continue to this day as the Republic has been in the process of continue expansion, both politically and economically. However, the recent vulcanic eruption has diminished the amount of food imports, resulting in a stalemate regarding further plans for internal development. Most of the Acradian Republic is composed of large arid plains and hills with occasional sandstorms, where survival outside settlements is a daily luxury. Remnant memories of the old world still linger in the Wasteland, once mighty towns and cities now crumble in ruins as they are engulfed further into nothingness day by day. Many such ruins are subject to constant looting, many venturing into the danger in order to find anything of worth, from old elven cultural relics to salvage. Legends and tales surround the elven ruins, ranging from sinister cannibal religious cultists to the twisted ghosts of the city who still whisper and relive their lives seemingly trapped in an neverending magical purgatory. The vast Wasteland does, however, still retain a sign of civilization in the form of great railway systems that connect the remaining urban centers all across Acrad and are maintained and guarded at all times by the military of the Republic. Oil rigs and pumping stations have become a symbol of the Wasteland, with many such structures dotting the oil rich areas, and many of those attract wastelanders that establish great settlements outside the fortifications of the oil rigs. Still, only the hardiest creatures survive in this enviroment, and they are subject to constant hunt from the scattered Desert Rats. The infamous bands of marauders and raiders, known as 'The Desert Rats', constantly harass every sign of civilization they encounter, from trade caravans to settlements. These scoundrels, although scattered in petty raid bands, are a force to be reckoned with for they employ fortified and armed cars and aircrafts, fueled by the precious diesel fuel pumped raw from the many oil fields across the wasteland. Aside from the Desert Rats, the Wasteland is also home to magically mutated creatures that prey on any and all, a testimony to the magical abuse of the past, and monster hunting is a booming industry. [/hider]