Into what was possibly the worst-named bar in the entire sector trudged what was very likely the largest man to ever set foot in the establishment. Easily seven feet tall, he ducked under the door frame and shuffled awkwardly into the establishment. He remained hunched as he trod toward toward the bar, perhaps trying to downplay his own tremendous size. His boots and workman's coveralls were clearly sized to fit an ogryn, and yet his musculature strained against them all the same. An industrial respirator hung from his belt, but besides that there was no indication of what existence he led in New Cadia City. The giant sat down at the bar, the metal stool beneath him squealing under his weight, and retrieved a handful of coins from his shirt pocket. He dropped them on the counter in front of the barman; the largest of them no bigger than his thumbnail. He cleared his throat to get the barman's attention- as though he didn't already have it- thus making a noise like the groaning of a grox bull. As the owner came over, the huge man stared down at him with sinister yellow eyes. "As much as this will get me." He growled in a dark and muddy voice. "Don't care if it's cheap, I just want a lot." The Thirst was in him, thought Eynyn Ramus. Every time he indulged it, the Thirst came back faster; he had made this bitter realization many years ago. It was still too soon after his last one, so cheap swill would have to do for now. Too many too soon and people would begin to notice. This place was enough of a scum hole that if he kept it up it would take a hundred years for anyone to notice the bodies, but it would take far less time for someone to notice [i]him[/i]. The vast majority of the Imperium had never seen an Astartes, much less one out of armour, but this port was busy enough that the risk of discovery remained. He needed to leave, sooner rather than later.