[h2]γ€˜π“šπ“Ύπ“»π“²π“Όπ“ͺ 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝔃𝓾𝓸〙 [i][b]Squad 13 - Unseated[/b][/i][/h2] Next -> [@KillBox] [hr] Kurisa laughed in response to Kuroda's claim of getting a Shikai years before himself "[color=ed1c24]It's going to take you years? Damn...I'll probably have mine in the next week or so no doubt[/color]" Kurisa smirked behind his mask as he then looked down at his Zanpakuto, his smirk going away as his look became a little more serious...he was suddenly reminded about probably one of the biggest reasons he became a Shinigami. Kurisa looked up at Kuroda then nodded in response to him saying that they should go report this to the captain, with that Kurisa unsheathed his Zanpakuto, stabbing it into the air, half his zanpakuto becoming invisible as it seemingly entered another dimension. Then with a light turn of his Zanpakuto he opened the Senkaimon and sheathed his Zanpakuto. "[color=ed1c24]Regardless of what happens that thing couldn't be left alive anyway...I don't know what's going on but that hollow seemed like it was learning to deal with us as we fought...much faster than most things[/color]" Kurisa then stepped into the Senkaimon and waited for Kuroda, they'd soon end up in the Soul Society