Morning are always difficult for Samantha and have been a reoccurring struggle since her mother's death. Once sunlight's breaks through the bedroom window, Samantha raises from the comfort of her bed and reluctantly carries herself across the room to the bathroom where she begins a repetitive routine without even needing to be fully functional. Even while under the confusion of sleep, Samantha is perfectly capable of getting herself through simple tasks. These include having a shower, cleaning her teeth and getting herself presentable for the new day. Although the process would be much easier with the assistance from her magic, Samantha refuses to rely on it unless she absolutely has no other option. Once showered and dressed for the day, Samantha left her bathroom with dampened hair still leaking droplets to her floor, but didn't care to wrap it in a towel. She prefers to let her hair 'air-dry' rather than use magic or a Muggle hairdryer. Considering she's not that current with fashion trends, nor does she care to be, Samantha's choice of clothing was extremely casual. The best way to describe her sense of style would have to be something along the lines of [i]'comfortable college student casual'[/i] or anything closely related to that. Samantha's blue jeans are snug, but rather loose compared to how other woman have taken to wearing their pants. The bottom half of her jeans tucked inside a pair of comfortable boots, grey and rise halfway up her calf. A belt is not necessary. A simple white t-shit is hidden underneath Samantha's favorite sweater. Warm, comfy and dark blue with some color fading as a sign of its constant usage. Unlike Emily, the only jewelry on her entire body is her mother's ring. Samantha doesn't opt to wear makeup, aside from perhaps some concealer if experiencing a horrible acne breakout. Fortunately, her skin has been quite clear for a while. "Good morning," she greeted upon entering the kitchen. Samantha poured herself a cuppa tea, adding a splash of milk and sat down at the table. The letter from last night was still resting there, unopened. Samantha's lips swelled slightly as she nursed her beverage without taking a moment to blow on the steaming hot drink before consuming. She debated on opening the letter, but decided to leave it be for now. Unaffected by hunger, Samantha was left waiting for Emily to get herself ready for the day. [b]Outfit:[/b] [hider=Click][img=][/hider] * * * When Emily became the topic of conversation, at his mother's behest, Charlie immediately fell into an uncomfortable silence. Speaking in regard to Emily has always made him uneasy. She is, perhaps, the happiest area of his life as of currently and that's frightening for someone like him. An individual that has devoted years of his life to a career and has allowed his romantic life to be discarded aside. Charlie became lost to his thoughts while George continued to converse with their mother. [i]Would Emily be coming to the wedding? Even if she did decide to come, what would her first impression be when she saw him in person?[/i] Countless theories swam freely inside Charlie's subconscious and none of them were pleasant. Unlike his siblings, especially the twins, Charlie is not, in his opinion, blessed with handsome features. His body has adapted to the environments required to train and manage dragons. Creatures of destruction are dangerous and those that choose to be subjected to their temperament must take precautions. This includes developing their bodies to withstand attacks. Charlie's freckled skin has several scars, white and pronounced against his tanned body. His hands and fingers are calloused, not exactly the type of hands a woman wants to have caressing their sensitive bodies. Charlie's left arm is currently bandaged and occasionally bleeds when the wound happens to reopen from movement. Even without an idea of what she appears to be, Charlie is well aware that compared to her, he's nothing special. George may be missing an ear, but he still has undeniable charms. Charlie has the natural ability to charm dragons, not women.