[h2]γ€˜π“šπ“Ύπ“»π“²π“Όπ“ͺ 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝔃𝓾𝓸〙 [i][b]Squad 13 - Unseated[/b][/i][/h2] Next -> [@KillBox] [hr] Kurisa nodded as they entered the soul society, now on their path to the Squad 13 barracks "[color=ed1c24]To be honest it feels insulting that they don't think we can handle things like this, I know we're fresh out the academy but we aren't morons...we can take down a hollow, as clearly shown[/color]" Kurisa shrugged this off though. "[color=ed1c24]I just don't want things to take forever...what good is it calling in this stuff? we'll never move up in this place if we don't actually take a risk and show we're willing to fight and not only that but win[/color]" After a short walk they'd arrive outside the Squad 13 barracks, their time had finally come. "[color=ed1c24]Well here goes nothing...oh and don't worry...I'll put in a good word for you, get the captain to give you a real Zanpakuto[/color]" Kurisa then chuckled as he walked into the Squad barracks, heading for the Captains office.