Rhee blinked in surprise as the door reopened, and the pale, dark haired woman pulled him inside the room. Seeing her back, he saw the dark, feathery wings sprouting from her back, something he hadn't noticed before. Huh, how unusual. Then again, he probably shouldn't be the one talking here. [b]"No, no, no. You're in exactly the right place. Am I addressing Lilu or Rhee this morning? Please, sit down and enjoy some snacks... maybe some coffee?"[/b] the woman welcomed him with a pleasant voice. Rhee was startled, quickly taking his hand back, fidgeting with the hem of his skirt. "Oh. Um, I-I'm Rhee. Lilu was up late last night, so she's resting now. Um, coffee sounds great, right now." he introduced himself shyly, quickly moving out of the way and sitting down. He nodded to the other person in the room, reaching across the table and moving the coffee pot closer. After pouring his drink, he pulled the hairband off of his wrist, using it to tie his hair up into a much neater ponytail. He was a little annoyed with how long their hair was getting, nearly to his waist now, but Lilu threw a fit every time he brought up cutting it. She liked having long hair, and while he found it a bother, she filled their bathroom with all sorts of shampoo and hair products. The door opened again, letting another person inside, another man. Happy that the focus of attention would now longer be on him, he turned to his coffee, gradually waking up with every sip. Fully alert now, he was content to simply sit and wait, but his sister, it seemed, was more anxious to move on. [i]What are you doing, dummy? Go up and say hi to people! If you're not going to introduce yourself, at least introduce me![/i] Lilu pushed him indignantly. "But Sis! I don't wanna, you always make me say weird things!" he protested. Still Lilu was starting to throw a fit, and the headaches she brought upon him were devastating. Sighing, he gave in. "Okay, okay... Who do you want me to talk to?" he asked. [i]Well, who is there? And try not to look crazy, you probably look like you're talking to yourself.[/i] Looking over the other three, he nodded. "Okay, well, there's a dark haired bird girl, she offered me coffee. Then there are two men, one of whom seems a little on the hyper side and the other hasn't said a word since he walked in." he described to her. [i]Okay, try talking to the guys! Which one is cuter?[/i] "... I guess the quiet one? I don't know." [i]Well, go talk to him then! And try not to make of fool of us![/i] Groaning inwardly, Rhee stood up from his seat, walking near the new visitor. He seemed rather intimidating to him, and so he stood a good four feet away out of nervousness. "Uh, hi. I'm Rhee. My sister wanted me to say hello. She's inside my head right now. We kinda do that. Sorta like siamese twins, I guess? ... I'm really not very good at this talking thing. So, uh, what do you do?" he asked, not really certain what else to talk about. He really still wasn't sure why he was here.