Janius closed his eyes and ran his hand up across the side of his head. "Well, if there's no way of knowing..." He let out a lengthy sigh. "I spent so long feeling like I was responsible for your turning. Every day you missed your family was...crushing guilt. It broke my heart. I guess the thought that 'it was all meant to be' this entire time, or however the Hist put it, it...it's just confusing." He stepped up and took Kaleeth's arm. "What should we even do now? What does this mean?" [hr] Calia gave a single, slow nod. "I understand. I fear such conflicts, if they are to happen, may be beyond your control. See to it your cause is right, and your leadership is strong. Do not...[i]force[/i] Rossarm to get better. He need only remind himself of who he used to be."