Kaleeth gave a shrug that appeared somewhat defeated. She paced around for a few seconds before allowing herself to lean back against the nearest tree, then slowly slide down to sit on the ground beside it. "I don't know. I'm not even sure it does [i]mean[/i] anything anymore. Nothing changed. We still have to go fight Vile, and I still can't return to the Hist. I've known that for a long while. I guess I can say that I know now that my mother isn't upset, at least. That's...good, I suppose." She replied, though that revelation did not seem terribly encouraging for her. "I guess it was probably too much for me to expect that any of this would really [i]change[/i] anything for me. I do have my answers, at least. I know why it all happened, how it all happened. I don't have to keep guessing or worrying." [hr] "I will make sure to remember that. But..." Ahnasha began, shifting uncomfortably. "...how much do you feel comfortable saying about who he used to be? As I was saying to Fendros earlier, the power I felt was not something I would associate with a hobbyist mage. I understand that you likely would feel it best to allow Rossarm to be the one to divulge his own history, but the Imperials or Thalmor will likely at least want to know of his qualifications. What do you think we should tell them?"