If there was one thing Junkrat was good at, it was scavenging through wreckage for valuables; after all, he'd risked life and limb to retrieve that omnic fusion core from heavily radiated ruins. He'd do even more for something that could actually keep him alive rather than make him deathly ill. He managed to sift through debris and find what appeared to be one of the bandit's stashed assortment of goods, crammed inside what looked to be a half-destroyed desk. There were a few bottles of water, some prepackaged food items, and an amount of cash. They'd probably planned to hide it here until they left the blimp, unless they'd planned to make this a more permanently established base. Regardless, it wasn't Junkrat's concern what it was there for, only that it was fit for consumption. Hearing Roadhog's booming voice with little issue, Junkrat filled the pockets of his shorts with the food and currency, and carried the bottles of water in his arms towards where the pig-tatted goliath was. Making his way up the stairs, his steps an unmistakable [i]thump-clack-thump-clack[/i], Junkrat soon located Roadhog and the captive tourists. "I guess these dumbasses are our problem now, huh Roadie?" Usually when Junkrat came across people who weren't supposed to be in the Outback, he made short work of them and stole their belongings. After all, they lived lives of splendor, without the struggles of the Outback natives who had been betrayed by their own government. Yes, Junkrat spited "normal" people. No, he didn't care if they were innocent. If they were stupid enough the venture into a dangerous place, it was their owm fault if they got killed. "I say we leave 'em to fend for themselves. They're a waste of our time, mate. We take what we need, and they're not needed."