Azure City, The Festival Moving to a new home is never an easy experience, and it's even worse when it involves traveling to a whole new part of the country. However, in Alan's opinion, anything was easier than watching his Mom slowly dying of a brain tumor. He sometimes wondered what might've been if that had never happened. Would he have been as driven to find a way to save her as he did? Driven enough to use himself as a lab rat? Regardless, it was over and done with and all that was left was to focus on the present. His time since arriving here had been a mix of getting settled, training with his powers some more, and going out on nightly patrols for any sorts of evildoers or troublemakers. All that was mixed in with constantly worrying about his Mom's health and if her tumor would suddenly return. Finally, she had enough, set him down and told him that she was touched he cared so much but he needed to lighten up and stop acting like he was carrying the weight of the whole world on his back. [b][i]"There's a festival going on in a few days. I'll do some baking, you make some jewelry, and then you go set up a booth down there and enjoy yourself. I'm not taking No for an answer either." [/i][/b] Alan did as he told, and now here he found himself, setting up a table and laying out a mix of the jewelry alongside some baked goods with a small platter of brownies set aside for himself. He kicked back in his chair with an Archie Comic and proceeded to do some light reading as he waited for visitors.