[h2][center]Deneb[/center][/h2] "Now that you mention it..." The response that the healer had given was actually far more reasonable a plan than the one Deneb had planned to execute. While the danger of the situation had long since registered by now, the idea that they could simply go and track the monster hadn't actually crossed her mind. If anything, the plan would've been to lure the enemy somewhere different in order to bring it somewhere else with more favorable terrain and fight it then. Of course, the inherent risk in such an approach, coupled with the possibility of death (since they had no idea how 'death' affected them) meant that it was foolish at best and suicidal at work. So long as the enemy never made direct contact with them, of course, they could get away with simply stalking the target and making sure it didn't get too close to town. "Yeah, let's do that, then. We'll track it and relay its type and position to the team back in town," she replied, taking a moment to look around for any trees to use as vantage points. Given that they were in an open plain, though, that idea was soon abandoned, and the ninja resorted to leaping into the air repeatedly to look over the area. It looked absolutely silly from a distance, but given that there were only two people present, that didn't matter as much. After the third leap, an abnormally large creature managed to catch Deneb's eye as it began to walk through the grass. Given the nearly white color of its fur, its identity was more or less a given. Once she had landed, Deneb brushed herself off and turned back to Viri. "I think I've found our target, though it's a fair deal larger than usual. Silver Wolf, somewhere off that way," she said, motioning off towards her right before thinking for a moment. "Actually, I'm going to see if the team back at town can't send us some reinforcements. One person should make this a lot more bearable if we're forced to take it on." With that, Deneb began to walk towards their target, typing on some sort of keyboard with a message addressed to the dragonman who had brought the others to work on the town. [code]To: Indiana Jones Field boss spotted: Silver Wolf. If you can, send a tank or something over to our position. We're going to be tracking this thing until we have backup or until we've confirmed it to not be heading towards the town. Update on how things are on your end. --Deneb[/code] The ninja had hesitated at the end of the message, having almost put the name of her main character in the note before catching her mistake. "In any case, let's go. They'll contact us when they do, I guess." [@Anza][@DocRock]