I know this site doesn't get a lot in the way of feature updates but this is really something that I would find immensely useful. The ability to hide threads you're disinterested in would go a ways to making the site easier to navigate. Not to throw shade but the fact that something titled "Ponyhammer 40K" has been on the front page of the Advanced Interest Checks for [i]a year[/i] is a crime. My second thought is for there to be an "automatic hide" for posts/threads made by users that you can add to a blacklist/blocklist. Makes it easy to avoid threads with users that you find unpleasant, have had a falling out with, etc. Possibly makes you unable to receive PMs from that user as well, as I don't believe there is a dedicated block function on this site currently. I remember being told on the Old Guild that blacklisting functions were "contentious" or something, but there's no reason they have to be. You don't have to send a notification to someone to tell them they've been blocked; if anything this would be a subtle and easy way to avoid conflict.