[color=c4df9b][b]Ettamri Belarence[/b][/color][hr] [color=c4df9b]"Tch." [/color]Had it not been for the helm, it would be obvious Ettamri had an annoyed look on her face, though her voice carried all the disdain and contempt she was feeling at the moment. [color=c4df9b]"Eyes bigger than saucers, yet you still miss."[/color] Letting go of the rein, she grasped the lance by both hands, the sharp blade at the end glinting in the sunlight as Horsey turned towards the frog. There was no real need for the rein, not when both rider and horse were in sync, communicating through their body. The destrier could feel the pressure of her legs, urging it to turn and gallop. She felt its steps adjusting, moving through the best path it could find, trusting it and its instinct to do so. And gallop it did, as it turned almost on a dime to charge towards the right of the frog. [color=c4df9b]"Hunter, if you miss the shot on this pass, pray the frog eats you, for I will skin you alive after this."[/color] She did not charge straight at it, to pierce its hide through, for she would only lose a lance in the process. Instead, with the charge towards its right, and both hands on the haft of the spear, she aligned the edge of the spear as she braced herself in her saddle, swinging the spear towards the fleshy part of its back leg. A precise maneuver, made both because of how long the lance was without being cumbersome, and allowing space for Horsey to react should the toad try something.