[center][h3][color=0072bc]Shaula[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] A creature with feathers and scales swept by in pursuit of two other demons. Shaula could hardly believe her eyes; never in her entire life had she expected to see a living, breathing lizard person. Before today, lizard people had been nothing more than online rumors, baseless claims about shapeshifting creatures working alongside the aliens of the New World Order, yet here they were on her street. The two demons it was chasing were heading north towards Canada. Shaula almost felt sorry for them. She knew Canada wasn't a real country, but a facade put up by the New World Order to capture those trying to escape their agents in the states. If they really were heading to Canada though, Shaula needed to act fast - she needed a weapon. She ran to the water meter behind her house, where she dug up a small object from behind it. It looked like a dull brown-orange muffin that had its top cut off. Inside it, sharp metal shavings could be seen glimmering around a white crystal in its centre. It wasn't the best one she had made, but it should work. Shaula crawled through her neighbors' backyards until she spotted the lizard person standing in the street, facing a portal it was about to escape through. She summoned her courage, then ran up behind the lizard person and threw a rock at it. [color=0072bc]"Hey, you! Stay there! I have an Orgone emitter,"[/color] Shaula said, holding the strange object at arm's length, [color=0072bc]"so any sudden movements and you'll be burning in hell with all the rest of the demons you brought here!"[/color] Her arm was trembling, but she didn't look away from the creature. She needed answers. [color=0072bc]"I've seen the signs! I've seen the lights in the sky - your ships! I know what you are, and I know why you came here! So just answer my questions, and you can be on your way! Got it?"[/color]