[center][color=ffff00][h3]Haruishi Mari [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/51eb3987-b4b5-4dbe-9ebe-103119ed3b36/d2b0q8j-5759a70c-b991-4dac-8321-414f771bd477.jpg[/img] Quirk: Born to Run (Thunder Road)[/h3][/color][/center][hr] It was another cold morning in Kirisama as Mari walked from the homeless commune under the bridge towards the post office, dressed in a dirty hoodie, and with all her belongings packed in a duffel bag slung across her shoulder. When she had made her intention to apply to Jigokuraku and 'move' to Kirisama, she had set up a post office box at the nearest post office in town just so she could receive mail. She had enough money saved over, and had made some from recycling litter, that she could continue to pay for the P.O. box for the time being. She wasn't sure if she should put in the effort of finding more permanent lodging, and an actual job, or if she should just skip town, and look for warmer climates. Mari had expected judgment at the end of the exam, but they didn't even call out the points they had earned (or not earned). The faculty instead had asked the students to wait a few days for a letter. They did at least, tend to her wounded foot. So Mari stuck around, just trying to make ends meet in the chilling fog of Kirisama, among the forgotten. She didn't know why she stayed. Having disappointed herself at the exam, she knew what her result was going to be, yet a shameless corner of her mind still held out hope that she would be accepted. When she left the commune, she had wrapped up everything that was hers and said her final farewells to the others who lived under the bridge, whatever the result, she wasn't likely coming back. Arriving at the post office, she walked up to her box and unlocked it with the key the office had given her, pulling out the letter and tearing it open. [quote][b]‘Haruishi Mari The sacrifices you’ve made for yourself are admirable, as is your level of perseverance. We would’ve completely understood if you felt unable to continue due to the injuries you’ve sustained to your leg, and yet you’ve decided to press forward. That said, try not to be so reckless in the future; it’d be unfortunate to lose a good student over something we are more than capable of preventing. Please make your way to the school hall at precisely 8:00AM tomorrow. Your fellow students and teachers will be awaiting your arrival.’[/b][/quote] Mari's knees went weak as, leaning against the wall of P.O. boxes, she slowly slid down into a crouching position, one hand against the wall, the other hand gripping the letter like her life depended on it, her arm covering her eyes as she bawled. [hr] Mari arrived the following day at Jigokuraku at 7:45AM, after making a detour to her gym to shower. Like during the exam, she was dressed in her middle school winter uniform, as it was the nicest set of clothing that she owned, and she didn't want to show up in her worn, dirty, threadbare hoodie. Though she wore a stern look on her face, neither that nor her shower could hide the redness and puffiness around her eyes. She looked around to see if anyone else from the exam had arrived. If they accepted her, then surely most of the others had made it in as well. With deliberate, shaking steps, she walked up the steps, and hoped that feeling of giddy, light-headedness was her past rolling off her shoulders. She would be able to live in a dorm. She would be able to pursue her purpose; to save those without saviors and to prove that her life has meaning. Yet mentally she held herself back. There was no point getting too optimistic only to be disappointed. Joy was for the greedy and indulgent. She needed to mentally keep some weight on her back-foot if it turned out that this place would not accept her and her past. She needed to be prepared for the potential eventuality of returning to the streets. Mari notices Hiroki, Shiki, and Shun. A flash of streaks of black and white somewhere in her peripheral suggested that Azukina was here too. [i]Did Mari deserve to be here among them?[/i] Mari bit her lip, as she thought of her poor performance during the exam. She had rescued one civilian, though she had requested to the exam proctor that the point be 'donated' to the student who helped her retrieve it. And then she botched it hard when she allowed the faux villain to hijack the bus that held all of the precious civilians. She hadn't even successfully stopped him, even getting in Hiroki's way when he attempted to do so. What was effort without results? How many times had she plotted to run from home and failed? Only the last time mattered, only success mattered. Effort without success was failure. Mari was unable to contain herself anymore. Facing Hiroki, Mari straightened up, her arms at her sides, and bowed deeply. [hider=But not that deeply...][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DmriEb0WwAAy54E.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=fff200]"Sakimoto-san, I apologize for the altercation before the exam! I was ignorant! I just want to save people, but I know nothing at all about what it means to be a hero! I misread you, made assumptions, and said unkind things! I hope you can forgive my hubris and accept me as a fellow classmate, despite my inadequacies!"[/color] Mari declared, and stayed bowed, waiting for a response from Hiroki, despite being in full view of Shun and Shiki, and possibly Azukina. [hider=tl;dr]Mari gets her acceptance letter and cries. The following day, she leaves the homeless community that she had been staying with and ascends to Jigokuraku, emotionally guarded. She feels she doesn't belong here, and regrets her prior disagreement with Hiroki and apologizes.[/hider]