[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zGN7UvV.png?1[/img][/center] [@ZAVAZggg][@Dealdric][@Adalea] [hr] Aelsu didn't reply to Kuri when she said she was coming along. The Orisiri had no reason to stop her, and if anything she welcomed the presence of a familiar face. Kuri was skilled in things aside from thievery, and Aelsu would be glad to have someone she could trust somewhat to have her back. For the most part, she said nothing as Lunearo went on a ling tirade about his mask. He droned on, and Aelsu couldn't help but to audibly yawn when he was done and finally addressed her, about her so called 'plan' as they say. [color=9e005d]"...you talk to much, mage."[/color] She grunted, not even looking at Lunearo as she walked. [color=9e005d]"You assume my goal was revolution, just as those barbarians did, but they were going to give me what I sought until the order intervened."[/color] He'd make of that what he would, but it was the truth. Honestly she had no desire to start a revolution. She just wanted her freedom in whatever way that manifested. Could she have tried harder? Was he right that she could have planned better? Very likely, but he was forgetting one thing. In the Pits, one never learns how to become a master tactician or planner. You learn to fight. Survive. Kill before you're killed. [color=9e005d]"All I can do is kill, and we were merely a handful of people who wanted the same thing."[/color] And with that, Aelsu fell silent, having nothing more to say on the matter. They had arrived at their destination anyways. The leader of the merchants met them, and Aelsu could hear their whispers and sneering. Nothing she hadn't heard before. She had long since learned to ignore it. More importantly was what the leader was saying about the beasts on the road. Wargs? She had fought plenty in the pits. Would be a nice warmup and good way to brush off the rustiness in her spear and muscles after being captive for awhile. Still, she said nothing for there was nothing for her to add. Except maybe that he needed better scouts if they were done in by simple beasts.