[b]●End of week one ●Saturday, 6:00 PM ●Your Dorm Floor ●All of you[/b] [hr] Snacks and booze and bowls, tables and pillows and mattresses. The whole day has been organising and setting up this impromptu party, which is already looking better than most of your work this week. It spans the whole dorm floor, dipping into individual dorms via the hallway. None of you know exactly who had the idea, but what's most likely is one of you heard about the party 2 floors up that everyone was raving about and thought that you could do one better. Now it's looking obvious that your party is not going to be as big, but it'll be cozier and have more weed so who cares. Each of you chipped in what you could. Some of you persuaded the faculty to turn a blind eye, some paid for drinks and snacks, some acquired the rarer things, and still others did the actual supermarket and booze runs. All in all, it was a group project that you can all be very proud of while you get shitfaced. It seemed that around this time was when everyone was deciding that the party would kick off: drinks were being drunk, people were chatting, and the music had been put on. It was a good night in the making. [color=2E2C2C][i]We have plans for you [/i][/color]