"There you go, why don't you go and play whilst we wait?" Ruby pointed in the vague direction of the bellow, although admittedly the voice was somewhat familiar. Not that she could place it. It was so damn frustrating when that happened, wasn't it? The blonde started to daydream as she cocked her head to the side absentmindedly.. Arthur by this point had decided that a quick hand before the rest of party arrived sounded like a good idea. When wasn't it a good idea to make a little money on a wager. "Come on Ruby." The man pushed himself away from the bar and stood to his full height. His companion finally broke free of her dreaming and blinked. "Do I have to? I was going to go and look at that lovely dress shop.." Ruby's voice trailed off under her Uncle's gaze, and she rolled her eyes and followed him - albeit reluctantly. "I'll play." Arthur declared as he stopped at Diego's table. The one thing that Ruby hated above all else was card games. They were just painfully mind numbing. Still, she supposed that it beat being stuck at the camp with Susan barking orders all day long like some deranged blood hound. The young woman sighed and pouted out her bottom lip a little as she peered around her uncle. Who she saw on the other side made the Ruby blink. No. It couldn't be. Could it? It bloody well looked like it... [I]Oh crap.. [/I]