Just as quickly as Eeruna had started the ambush, she hit the engines again after the remaining fighters started to disperse from their formation, and narrowly avoided the fractured hull of a Munificent-class frigate in the process. She heard Mevenn's quip, but at this point, was far to focused to give any reply. Mach was certainly a competent gunner and Mevenn could manage the shields near perfectly, but it was all just delaying until Eeruna could get them out. Eeruna had little issue avoiding any path that would give the Venator a clear shot, but the fighters were unavoidably pounding the shields. One starfighter managed to get a long enough strafing run to partially damage the leftmost engine, forcing Eeruna to slow down from the reduction in mobility. C2 was able to redirect some extra power from engines to shields, but it would not make too much of a difference. Fortunately, the debris field gave the starfighters just enough trouble as well that they were able to get near to its end. Eeruna glanced over to C2. "Hyperdrive ready?" She asked, which was met with a few affirmative beeps. "Good, then we'll jump from here." The moment that Eeruna indicated the coordinates from which she planned to make the jump, the droid beeped erratically, though Eeruna's composure remained unmoved. "I know that's still inside the debris field...yes, I'm perfectly aware that I can't survive becoming 'dust'...just shut your vocabulator." Turning the ship once more, Eeruna pulled them close to a derelict Venator, just barely managing to turn them tight enough to allow them to fly close to the dorsal side of the wrecked ship. Having the [i]Nightfury[/i] so close to the Venator meant that the starfighters could not effectively attack from two sides, funneling them into chasing from the rear. Mach would not have the best angles on some fighters, but Mevenn could focus everything the shields had left towards one side. The derelict Venator had nearly been split in half during the battle that had destroyed it. The massive hanger was a structural weakpoint for the vessel, so a large hole had been blown clean through the vessel, which Eeruna was heading straight towards. Just like with her ambush not a minute before, she she cut the engines and sent the ship into a slow spin while it moved forward on its own inertia. The fighters were now mostly on one side of them, and Mach again had clear angles, but her true motivation presented itself clearly through the windows of the cockpit. Through the middle of the destroyed Venator was a path into empty space, and to the hyperlane that served as their only hope of escape. However, while the breach was more than large enough for their ship to fit through, it was not a clean path. Plenty of smaller bits of debris were floating in the gap, so they only had a small window to make the jump successfully. The [i]Nightfury[/i] floated towards its jump point, now nearly perpendicular to the Venator. Their position needed to be nearly perfect, as just a few degrees of insufficient or extra spin would be the difference between a successful escape, and having their own debris scattered across the next light year or two. Eeruna was not navigating with the ship's sensors, the display for which she had shut off entirely, nor was she even just looking out the window, as her eyes were closed. She focused, breathing slowly with her hand over the button that would activate the hyperdrive, for good or ill. There was hardly any sound in the cockpit when Eeruna finally pressed the button, apart from C2's quite loud and alarmed beeping. The stars ahead of them seemed to turn to lines around them as the ship made its jump, leaving their pursuers with nothing but empty space instead of a target. It took a few seconds after the jump for Eeruna to finally open her eyes. She finally leaned back and allowed her armed to relax down by her sides, though a perceptive eye could see some shaking in her hands. "C2, please compile a damage report." She said dryly, breaking the silence.