I hope you don't mind me uploading Ridahne to my onedrive. (I Love her by the way. She is freaking amazing!) I figured it would be best to have all the pictures in one place. [url=https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsDIU79h4oXJmCGJYBeydOzc4Tr2]Darin[/url] [url=https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsDIU79h4oXJmD2kDKJO8X6D3bRJ]Ridahne[/url] [url=https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsDIU79h4oXJmDxYv-gdmim2yC9E]Astra[/url] Also I added a few rivers and a few barriers. They can be changed. The green is a forest, the blue is a deep ocean, and the brown is a desert. They can be changed. I also gave the Sirens more space and created a pass in the mountains. the purple spot is The Tree; the one that's dying. I did like your map. It was great. I just made a few changes and they can be undone. Finally. I really want to share what I've come up for the Sirens. Is that okay.