[center][b]Will O' the Piper[/b][/center] Turning back to their hosts, Charles continued. "As I was saying, Mister Morokovo, we need details to start our search. Times of the disappearances, last known locations, maps of the area, witness reports if they exist, the state of any bodies you found, along with descriptions of the victims and any local legends that might pertain to this, to start." Looking around, Charles nodded to himself. "However the outdoors is no place to talk business, especially not such delicate business as this. Shall we proceed inside?" He punctuated the last question by gesturing towards the door, clearly wanting to waste no time. As he talked and waited for a response, he reached out to his companions with his mind. [i]"I think the first stage of our plan should be to go out scouting tonight unless either of you have a better idea. Sigmund, I'd like you to accompany me to look at the sites of the disappearances while Eidran and Kurotori find out what they can from the villagers."[/i]