There was silence. The adventurers disturbed the bats once, but they managed to not do it twice. Not all of them were successful in keeping the racket to a minimum, but it seemed that it was, at least, acceptable to the chiropterans. The swarm remained in the roof, leaving the room free to explore. It was no small space, reaching much further than the three pillars that had been the most visible mark for the party to look at, but darkness had hidden most beneath them. Even now those of them that could not see in the dark were left begging for the sunlight to reach just a bit further, but the dark of the cave was overwhelming. Too many corners. Not enough sun. Those that had a knack for this sort of an environment would find that the larger area behind the pillars would soon split three separate ways. A staircase hacked into the stone on the right, a cliff of sorts towards the front, and the cavern bending towards the left into another space in entirety in the direction that remained. It seemed safe enough for now. Other than the ambient noises of the cave, not much was left. But of all the things to note, the most obvious one to Brannor if nobody else was the repugnant smell rising forth from beyond the drop before them. Were there a source of light, perhaps it could be said better what actually was down there. For now, the smell was a strong enough of a deterrent. Likely a dump of some sort. Nearby, on the right side of it, something suggesting the sort could be found. A spear with a pitted blade laid on the floor between the cliff and the stairs. Clearly using this as a weapon would be inadvisable. Disposal left unfinished, or here for a reason? It was, after all, the only clearly man made item in the room. [@Zverda][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher][@Norschtalen][@The Harbinger of Ferocity]