[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/ZBBcRq2/sorairo-banner2.png[/img][/center] [hr] Where once there was confidence in the Invader’s steps, now lay a fear and hesitation dormant of their DNA. Now that the majority of the Psycher teams had all converged into one place, the odds of victory were becoming slim. Those who weren’t decimated by the efforts of the students were instead slowly backing off in retreat. And those unfortunate enough to run into the Big One were smacked aside by its metal paws and roared at. By the time it burst through the buildings, it was already seething with an animalistic anger. On sight, the smaller Invaders immediately fled, running past the Big One, as little as their number was. Those that did remain were already engaged by the other teams, though they didn’t last long. Indeed, Yui’s swordwork made quick scrap metal out of the Invaders charging at her while the ones attacking Team Afterglow were dealt with just as fast. Riyame made sure to cover Cellica and Fiore’s flanks, doing what she could to defend the injured Gunner and team Linker with an array of flurrying bullets. Mavis’ landing of course put a halt in the action, and Riyame looked over at the short shield girl with a puzzled expression before sighing. [color=92278f]“Only you would be having this much fun right now. Well, you and R.R. I suppose,”[/color] she said to Mavis. A bellowing, metallic roar drew her attention back to the Big One. By now, it was the only real threat in the clearing and its alien eyes snapped back and forth with a desire for blood. Having already sent an energy shot from its tail at Raphael and Hiro’s positions, it now scanned the area for more lifeforms. Specifically, its tail swiveled in motion before suddenly snapping in a seemingly random direction. With a flick of its tip, the Big One fired off an energy round right at Mila’s location, as if the appendage had a mind, or perhaps camera, of its own. Meanwhile, the main body kept low to the ground, stalking about and creeping slowly towards the group of students like a hunting predator. Its eyes glowed faintly, staring dead on at its soon to be prey. [hr]