[@ERode][@OliveYou][@Sync] [color=f26522]"Oh, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." [/color] Elyan let his curse trail off as he watched his spear toss go completely awry and hit a very small player/NPC in the leg, sending them to the ground. Usually he would have reacted almost instantly, but the irritation at his lack of throwing skill and beginning to wonder what to say to them allowed another player/NPC to rush in blow the wolf away. Well, he wouldn't be able to save face by beating the snot out of said wolf with his bare hands. Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward, keeping his hands at his side to look as non-threatening as possible, also not realizing that he was moving in the weirdly graceful way Wardancers did in this game. Taking a small vial out of his pocket, he held it out to the bleeding player/NPC on the ground. He hoped it was a healing potion, he usually kept a few of them around, even though he rarely got hit. Not for the first time, he briefly wondered how the potion would taste, or if it even healed at all... Oh, right, the reason he was doing this. [color=f26522]"...i would really like my spear back, please."[/color] he said, trying to sound friendly.