[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/doTxGC3.png[/img][/center] After her somewhat explosive entrance, things seemed to escalate quickly. Explosions here, bigger explosions there. Trees getting uprooted and entire ruins crumbling under the constant assault of metal and energy-like attacks alike. A cacophony of destruction that Rin-Rin seemed to enjoy nonetheless. Being her first field deployment, it was exactly how she imagined it. Nonstop action and chaos without a moment of respite and order. The raven-hair couldn't help but smile. [color=f7941d]"Muhahahaha!"[/color] The Linker girl simply laughed without fear, even as a bunch of Invaders were charging right at her and Falk. [color=f7941d]"You better give up your effortless struggle! The good guys ALWAYS win!"[/color] Absolute confidence, or just pure stupidity in the face of danger? The answer to that mattered little, as moments later Yui arrived right next to her (and Falk) in exploding fashion: Quickly taking care of that threat. [color=f7941d]"Good Job, hotshot!"[/color] Gosh, melee people were so cool! Why was she a Linker again? With the other teams now slowly gathering all at the same spot, and the small fries running away, Rin-Rin couldn't wait to witness that [i]big effin' something[/i] that was apparently moving closer and closer onto their position in person. Nonetheless, as it turned out, Rin-Rin actually had a moment of peace and time to prepare. [color=f7941d]"Oy, Falky!"[/color] She called out to her explosive friend. [color=f7941d]"Explosions are great, but y'know what's better? Bigger explosions! And today's finally THE day for Rin-Rin's super special pimp-my-bomb service!"[/color] Considering Falk's tendency to go [i]a little bit overboard[/i] in the practical exercises, the raven-hair had been explicitly forbidden from using her power on Falk's bombs. But right now they weren't [i]exercising.[/i] [color=f7941d]"Show me one!"[/color] She commanded Falk before her red eye started to glow once more. Increasing the power of one explosive? Easily done! Not even taking two seconds, Rin now went on her knees in pain as she coughed up more blood.[color=f7941d] "Goooo!"[/color] Her head throbbed strong enough that it drowned most of the other noises around her. Yet, not enough that she couldn't hear the majestic roar of their adversary. Looking up, despite the pain, she could once again do nothing but smile.