[center][h1]S [color=red][i]i l h o u e t t e[/i][/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/I15iaon.jpg[/img] [quote=Silhouette][color=red]"This is actually a collab I'm still just lazy"[/color][/quote][/center] Betty blinked at Sillouette's response. [color=ade81b]”Better? I saw you on TV, and I thought you were amazing!”[/color] She fidgeted with her seat belt. [color=ade81b]”I'm not sure if I could have handled a situation like that. There was a lot going on. I probably would have just panicked.”[/color] She looked to Veronica. [color=ade81b]”So do you always personally pick up your operatives?”[/color] [color=#bd71e8]“Only if they're still useful to me.”[/color] Veronica did not look away from the the road while she talked. [color=#bd71e8]“So how did it feel, Sam? You looked like you were enjoying yourself, but your actions were... sloppy.”[/color] Sil was almost taken aback by Betty's remark, but avoided showing it. It took her a moment to realize that to anybody watching her, she appeared as though she was having a blast, when in reality she was suffering the entire time. The people weren't watching [i]her[/i], after all. [color=red]"I see."[/color] Silhouette allowed Veronica to speak, and felt a small bit of relief upon Veronica implying she was still of use to her. She didn't actually doubt her own use to Veronica, even now, but for some reason those words provided some comfort. So in response, Sam did her best to speak objectively on a matter that, unlike many others, urged her to be subjective. [color=red]"I did experience a noticeable increase in ability."[/color] she began. [color=red]"In that regard, the 'steroid' most certainly did its job, however..." [/color] She took a breath in, then spoke calmly. [color=red]"...however, it has a side effect that cannot be ignored. It seems to trigger a reaction with... well, the corruption a dark magical girl like myself has, and amplifies it. Going off of what the new girl said, I was enjoying myself. Given our history, I'm sure you can imagine the cause for that. The girl you saw down there was sloppy because she most definitely was not myself."[/color] [color=#bd71e8]“Seems there are some bruises on the fruit Chloe offered us.”[/color] Veronica's eyes moved onto Silhouette through the rear view mirror. [color=#bd71e8]“Perhaps at a later date, you'll have to see if that was a known side effect or not. Such a device isn't especially useful if one loses their sense of self.”[/color] [i][color=red]Chloe..[/color][/i]. [color=red]"Perhaps."[/color] Silhouette's countenance remained stoic as she gave her one-word reply. [i][color=red]...if she intentionally withheld such information, I will ensure she regrets it.[/color][/i] [color=#bd71e8]“But that can wait for now. As you and Eliza are aware, the Mint has been behaving strangely as of late.”[/color] The coin broker parked her car beside the road. It was possible to still see the evacuation in the distance. [color=#bd71e8]“I cannot confirm if it is just a particular branch or the entire organization. What I do know is that I need to surround myself with people I can trust.”[/color] Veronica turned in her seat and looked directly at Silhouette. [color=#bd71e8]“To this end, I have decided to create my own organization. Or perhaps it is more correct to say I have decided to open recruitment again.”[/color] She pulled a folder out of her jacket and opened it in front of Sil. [color=#bd71e8]“All you need to do is sign this contract. It simply states that you will serve me to the best of your ability, and I will always know where you are. Though you are free to look over it yourself if you wish.”[/color] Up until this point in her life, Samantha had never really felt like she could wholeheartedly trust someone and she didn't expect others to trust her beyond an extent. She mostly trusted that the people who hired her would give her accurate information pertaining to targets, and they could trust she'd get the job done. But the trust Veronica desired was the kind that arose from loyalty. A trust rising from a relationship a bit deeper and more complex than employer and employee. A form she had never once experienced herself. It had never mattered to her whom hired her. So long as they could pay her when she was done, then she was fine. And if someone else ever decided to pay her to remove a former employer? It was merely a form of business to her, so she held no personal attachments that would hinder her ability to execute the task [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkThTBwtUjU&ab_channel=LilGoat][s]kid[/s][/url]. But this was different. Silhouette did read the document. Veronica did not lie. Signing this document, it would allow her to always be keen on Silhouette's position, as well as other information Sil would prefer not to expose to others. At least, if the one asking wasn't Veronica. It had become more and more obvious over the past year. There was something strange, something foreign that Sil felt for Veronica. She wasn't sure yet exactly what it was, but she could say it was positive, even if there was a lot to fear from the senior magical girl. This was most certainly a risk. She knew a one-sided relationship was easily abusable. She was aware that she could be being intentionally misled by Veronica, and it could turn out devastating for Sil, for Samantha. But more than that... she felt that there was the chance she could wholeheartedly put trust in her emp--... her.... in Veronica, whatever she was to Sil. And while this was an odd, unique thing for Samantha to feel, given her experiences with the magical world in general... ...that might not be a bad thing. [color=red]"I've never felt any attachment to the Mint, as surprising as that might sound. I'm merely indebted to them, and if anything, its potential demise would only benefit me. A dead debt collector can't collect, now can it?"[/color] there was a small pause before she continued. [color=red]"But if it is in service to you, Veronica, then I suppose I don't mind."[/color] A moment or two passed before Silhouette awkwardly spoke up. [color=red]"...Is it some form of verbal contract? It seems different than what I'm used to."[/color] [color=#bd71e8]“Verbal?”[/color] Veronica [i]smiled[/i] before swiftly transforming into a magical girl. [color=#bd71e8]“Not quite.”[/color] She turned opaque and phased through the driver's seat. Her body didn’t move, but seemed to just float into the back seat with Sil before her color came back. [color=#bd71e8]“Now, it's very important that I confirm this with you, as there's no going back on a contract like this. You're really okay giving yourself to me like this?”[/color] Veronica bit her lower lip in anticipation. Silhouette almost seemed annoyed by Veronica's statement. [color=red]"Yes, I'm sure. Like I just said, it would only benefit me if something were to happen to the Ebon Mint. Involving myself beyond what is required of me is not something I would do if I weren't sure I wanted it."[/color] She looked Veronica in the eyes with a rather powerful, unflinching stare. One filled with determination. It should have been very clear she was quite serious. [color=red]"What I said remains. I will sign this contract because I wish to be of use to you, and that's something I'm absolutely sure about."[/color] In response, Veronica swiftly rolled into Sil's lap, with her a knee on either side of her legs. The magical girl assassin wasn't given enough time to react before Veronica's hands came down upon her shoulders and forced them to lock eyes. Sil was unsure of Veronica's intentions and had begun to open her mouth to voice her confusion when suddenly the ebon vampire voiced a single command. [color=#bd71e8]“Don't resist.”[/color] Silhouette paused long enough for Veronica to slide her arms behind Sil's back and constrict like a snake, pulling the two girls close together. With their bodies in such close proximity, Samantha had begun to feel not just confused, but quite uncomfortable. [i][color=red]What is she doing?[/color][/i] Samantha was incapable of drawing a logical conclusion based on Veronica's actions. Why did they need to be so close? Close enough to feel each other's body heat, close enough to take in each other's scent? She never got this close to someone unless she wished to eliminate them, but Sam didn't think it was that. So, then, what? Thankfully, she didn't need to wait long. Sam felt a sharp pain in her back that had caught her unawares. Her response was to open her mouth to let out a hiss, but Veronica matched lips with Sam in that same moment. At this point, Sam's eyes shot open in complete surprise at where the situation had wound up, but slowly she relaxed into almost a trance-like state as her employer violated her mouth with her tongue. Eventually, their tongues met and after Veronica wrestled Sam's tongue into her own mouth, she bit down hard enough to draw blood, though Sam's relaxed expression didn't change a bit. Having acquired the blood she needed for the contract, Veronica rolled off of Sil, still smiling, and licked the contract with her blood-stained tongue. [color=#bd71e8]“Ahhhh...”[/color] Veronica's cheeks were glowing a bright red, and her breath was hot enough that you could see it. [color=#bd71e8]“You did good Sam. I'll explain the rest to you later.”[/color] Her eye lids fluttered shut. Samantha was quite clearly in a daze, her face as red as a beet and her eyes unfocused. She only barely managed to reply to Veronica with a soft, [color=red]"U-Understood..."[/color] Betty had had her hands up in front of her face, but her fingers were spread enough so that she could look through them. [color=ade81b]”Oh man!”[/color] She swallowed. [color=ade81b]”She did the same thing to you too huh?”[/color] Feeling a plethora of different emotions at the current moment, particularly embarrassment, Samantha couldn't even give a response to Betty, instead shyly turning away from the girl, her face still noticeably crimson. [color=#bd71e8]“Sam.”[/color] Veronica's voice caught Sil off guard, mostly because it was coming from the front seat. It seemed that she had returned to the front of the car and was dressed up as a police officer again. There was no sign of the unusual behavior she had just demonstrated.[color=#bd71e8]“In order to maintain everyone's cover, you need to escape from our custody before we get to the police station.”[/color] She adjusted her hat and looked forward. [color=#bd71e8]“That is your first objective as a member of crimson cradle.”[/color] Veronica pulled onto the road again and slowly caught up to speed with traffic. While she understood and accepted her new orders without hesitation, it was still difficult to voice such as she hadn't yet regained her composure. But so long as she knew what she needed to do, then that was enough. Locking eyes briefly for a moment with Veronica was indeed difficult right now, but persevering, she did so and nodded to her "new" employer. Escaping the vehicle was nothing special. She had many approaches she could take, but perhaps as a sign of the new bond she had with Veronica, she went for the one that involved utilizing her darkness specialization. Sinking into the shadows inside the car, Silhouette followed them to the outside the vehicle and along the side opposite to the sun. When the opportunity presented itself, she leaped from the shadow onto the roof of a nearby vehicle, and then to the street, out of the way of incoming traffic. Ignoring the angry shouts of the driver as she continued down the road, Silhouette held a hand up to her face. Her cheeks were still warm.