[b]Pryonn and Kaatl[/b] As the tender set to the task of providing the requested meals, with just the slightest arched eye-brow directed towards the pompous knight and diminutive fairy, Pryonn let his helmeted gaze wander over the rest of the inn's patrons. Catching sight of two particular figures, the errant's voice reverberated "Ah! My fairy-friend, behold!" Kaatl, having just started nibbling away at an apple, followed the knight's gaze towards Klaus and Fleuri "Compeer-errants, the talks of town, fellow do-gooders no doubt!" The young errant's tone was resplendent with puerile giddiness. Striding over to the duo, the knight raised a mailed hand in greetings as he addressed them with jubilant utterance "Good people! A knight of the Silver Repiners addresses you!" As usual, the fairy on his shoulder mimicked his gesture, one hand waving happily towards Fleuri and Klaus as she continued to munch away at the fruit held in the other "Would I be wrong to assume that the two of you are colleague-peers; fellow chivalric vagabonds questing in the name of goodness?" Coming to a halt at the table, the overly-enthusiastic knight continued his excited uttering "May I join your merry round? And who is that puppy that you seek? Another damsel that needs saving?!"