[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmVhMDYwOS5kV2d1TGk0LC4wAAAA/samble.regular.png[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/10m7TILG0bngnS/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][indent] [right][sub][@Ejected][/sub][/right] Even when he was trying to stay out of trouble, he always found himself getting into it, huh? Apparently Lucas' carelessness resulted in...actually, he didn't know what. He almost thought he had accidentally spilled something, but he was pretty damn sure he drank that cup dry. Right? Shit, was he really that far gone already? No, no, he was fine, shit was just getting good. He totally made sure the cup was empty. But man, mixing drinks was such a rookie mistake, what was wrong with him? As he finally brought himself out of his thoughts, he realized Chanel was looking at him rather expectantly. Son of a fuck, he had [i]no[/i] idea what she had said. Not a single word had stuck, resulting in the chestnut haired boy simply staring back at the gorgeous girl. For a moment, he tried to think of something, anything to say that wouldn't give away his ignorance. Or he could just be honest? What was the harm in that? [color=crimson]"Can you, uh...try that whole thing again?"[/color] He asked Chanel slowly, slightly pulling back as he braced himself for a response. [/indent][hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjA2YmJlYS5UMjVqWlNCaGJpQkpaR2x2ZEEsLC4wAAAA/reinata.demo.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjA2YmJlYS5RVXhYUVZsVElHRnVJRWxrYVc5MC4wAAAA/reinata.demo.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmIyYTFmYy5abVZoZEhWeWFXNW4uMAAAAAA,/reinata.demo.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmZjY2ZhMS5iV2x6Y3lCdVlXbDJaUSwsLjAAAAA,/reinata.demo.png[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/5751f3e9b82fa7b6b4d17a14d7052d46/tumblr_nx1ww0mvjh1ucpod0o2_500.gif[/img][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/217752727/original.gif[/img] [/center][hr][indent] [right][sub][@Altered Tundra][@Inkarnate][/sub][/right] [i][color=deepskyblue]What a shitshow.[/color][/i] Victoire had always known Nadia was a little--no, she was one hundred percent ingenue, somehow always believing people to be decent. The moment she had found out she had, for God knew whatever reason, actually accepted a date from Kavi, Victoire had warned her things wouldn't end well. That asshole only had it out for himself, and lo and behold, she was right. She watched Nadia's confusion as Kavi spoke, though Vic had to admit that Kavi was just [i]begging[/i] for someone to punch him in the face. Maybe that's why he was trained in martial arts, so at least people would think twice before actually doing it. It was harsh, but everyone had to learn somehow. Just sucked she had to find out that way. Victoire rubbed her temples, letting out a sigh. [color=deepskyblue]"Fucking hell, I need an aspirin,"[/color] She told Mara, shaking her head. [color=deepskyblue]"Leave the shithead alone, it's not even worth it."[/color] Meanwhile, Nadia felt the tears prick at the corners of her eyes, and despite the anger bubbling, she felt like she didn't need to justify herself. Fine. If he didn't care, then she shouldn't have to, either. Obviously they hadn't been on the same page. She shook her head at him, clearly hurt and disappointed, and she turned towards a student walking past him. Grabbing his drink, she acted on pure impulse and threw it into Kavi's face, tossing the cup to the floor and stomping off. [/indent][hr]