Diego kept an eye on the mud they walked along as they walked, as to make sure the lady didn't step into anything too messy, he laughed at her playful jab, her wisecracking was something he didn't realize he had missed as much as he did, he smirked as Ruby explained how she ended up in Valentine, "So you're leading the robberies then, I take it? Never took you for a stick-up girl, but I haven't forgotten how you are with a pistol. Speaking of, I have something you can help me with." He took her hand as they walked up the steps to the hotel, Diego met the eyes of men who took a long look at her, he didn't realize he was doing that either. "Mr. Cervantes, just got word that the Pinkertons are done searching Strawberry and wagon departures have resumed, your wagon may be getting here sometime today, sir." The man at the front desk alerted Diego as soon as he held the door open for Ruby. "Thank you, good man, thank you." he replied as they headed up the stairs, as they reached the top, Diego placed his hand on the small of Ruby's back, they walked down the hall "That's what I needed to talk to you about. These fellas may be more inclined to start a game here if they meet a local, or someone they believe to be," he smirked, "You up for it?" He held the door open to his suite for her, in the corner, his pump-action shotgun poked out of the trunk, there was pomade on the wash station and on the counter was a box of bullets and magazine strips for his mauser.