[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=yellow]Rila[/color][/h1] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/38200000/Nymeria-Sand-game-of-thrones-38208455-500-200.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Rila was still pretty surprised that Takuma was so willing to help them out, looking over towards the others she really did need to find a nice comfy spot and rest her sprained ankle. She was feeling the pain now wincing ever so slightly as she followed the older man through the town. Occasionally making some eye contact with the locals that were there, Rila did raise an eyebrow when Jia Li mentioned something about the game Pai Sho. Rila remembered that her grandmother played that game so much, whenever she did end up visiting her and her older friends would always come over sometimes. [color=yellow]"Thanks for the help."[/color] Rila said simply as soon as they got to his place, and limped her way into the house spotting the closest seat Rila plopped herself down, dropping her makeshift cane on the floor. But it was close enough to be reached, it was true that they were in the Earth Kingdom and the Earth Kingdom did really and truly hated the Fire Nation. Rila then looked towards the others, as Takuma turned and left the room to get some clothes seeing the bandages there. [color=yellow]"So, we should probably think of our next action right now."[/color] Rila said looking towards them. [color=yellow]"Any ideas on where to go next?"[/color] Rila asked, she wasn't sure if everyone was going to go their separate ways after this or not.