[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190210/147f86ed0e3f924fe7e9d19a4d904c97.png[/img] Luna lets out an over exasperated sigh, waking to the sound of the drop pod that she had been hiding away in, crashing into something. She shakily stands, giving her fur a quick brush and prune before stretching lazily. "Why did they have to interrupt my cat nap?" She asks aloud to no one in particular, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. She walks over to her mech looking over it, making sure it isn't damaged or anything. "I am glad to see you're all safe love!" She says cheerily whilst climbing into her power suit. "Time to go find out where we are!" She says to herself once more while climbing out of the drop pod and seeing a mech, a suit and a... she wasn't sure what the other one was but she looked cute. Luna walked hovered over to the new people, lowering herself down to the ground and stepping out of the suit. Looking over the girl who I didn't recognise, noticing she looks like a moth. "Maria, you say?" She asks as she jumps onto the side of the girl named Maria nibbling on her shoulder gently "it's nice to meet you cutie, I'm Luna" [@Eviledd1984][@Crusader Lord]