[hider=Soup Store] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ef/f6/04/eff6048919d1177a889bcf124b179a17.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] [color=deeppink]Mi Jung-Ho, AKA Soup[/color] [b]Country of origin:[/b] Korea, moved to Britain at a young age [b]Class:[/b] Deadeye [b]Bio:[/b] Born to a well-off Korean family, Mi had quite the decent childhood. Having moved to the UK with her family when she was still very young, Mi had a bit of trouble adjusting to the completely different culture, but started learning quite fast Then the Emergence Entity arrived. She was only eight, and for a while, nothing really changed for her. Her mother died when Mi was only 14. She had found out after the event via a news program on TV. Apparently she had been one of many victims of a militia bomb attack, and for that reason, Mi learned to hate the militia, and with her dad, they joined a vocal protest of the human insurgents. In their eyes, the reason the world was devolving was because of the insurrectionists refusing to allow the Emergence Entity to complete their unification of the world. Thus began almost 6 years of protest against the militia from both her and her father. That made them a lot of enemies, but it also meant that they were left alone by any Emergence officials, unlike some other unfortunates. However, like all good fantasies, Mi’s one came to an abrupt end when she least expected it. Her father was killed in front of her eyes after a small group of Emergence Entity armed forces opened fire into a group of protesters who appeared to be rallying against the occupation of Earth. While this itself was out of the blue, a stray shot had caught her father, and killed him instantly. She was pulled away from the slaughter by an older man in his 70’s, who she later found out was a former member of the Militia, as well as a retired policeman from before the Emergence arrived on Earth. What terrified her the most, however, was how the Emergence spun the story of the events that truly killed her father. Apparently Militia insurgents had opened fire on crowd of people in a display of terrorism. That horrified and disgusted Mi, who came to the realisation that she had been blaming the wrong people this entire time for her mothers death. She spent the next couple years both living with and training with the retired policeman and his wife, before he finally told her about Griffin, a way for her to both get revenge and help liberate Earth. She left the next day, and began making her way towards a safezone, hoping to be accepted into the group. [b]Personality:[/b] Chatty, hospitable, and generally optimistic about the effort against the Emergence, Mi’s personality is almost the complete opposite of what one would expect from a girl who has lost everything. This is due to her forcing herself to stay positive, to help prevent people to feel the way she did all those years ago. She’s quite different in combat, however. When fighting against xenos, she is cold, zealous, and sometimes even cruel when dispatching them. Some might ironically even call her ‘gung-ho’ about making sure they suffer. She will kill them without mercy, and she’ll enjoy every second of it. When fighting against human sympathisers however, she is far more reserved and restrained, choosing to either debilitate or avoid completely rather than outright kill them. She was one of them all those years ago, after all. [b]Skills:[/b] -Long range engagements -Precision strikes [b]Is not good at:[/b] -Stealth -Prolonged engagements -Firing while moving -Changing sniper positions -Generally being quiet [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] The moniker ‘Soup’ is from her unceasing consumption of soup. If possible, she would trade all of her mission rations for soup, though she understands the impracticality of it, so she wouldn't ask. Like hell she'll eat anything else by choice, though.[/hider]