[color=00a99d][centre][h3]Kenji Ito [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/2my5hl4.jpg[/IMG] Quirk: Beetle![/h3][/centre][/color][hr] [color=00a99d]"Yeah, I'm fine. I got a few bruises but that's nothing new. No worries there."[/color] Kenji assured, rather quickly. He knew more than anybody that his quirk wasn't exactly obvious. To everybody else he just looked like an unassuming overweight dorky kid. The beatdown he received while trying his best to stop the efforts of the mock villain probably looked like a lot more than he could actually handle. It didn't matter now, soon he'd have the chance to change that view. Taking the advice of Akeno, started wordlessly following the teacher. He was relieved to see that he wasn't the last up the mountain after all. Students were still following in, some even got a ride all the way up the mountain. It wasn't really a competitive thing to him, well, not entirely anyway. It was more about his own need to show that he was up to the challenge, and a driving desire to improve upon himself. He believed that chance was here. And that feeling that further cemented by seeing the building up close for the first time. This academy was new, underfunded, underdeveloped, and underwhelming. It was like looking into a mirror. In that moment he saw the building for the first time, he knew that coming here was the right choice. If any place could help him grow, it was this academy. Kenji felt the tingle of excitement running up his legs under his chitin, or maybe that was just the cold morning breeze. Either way, he couldn't help but smile here. Suddenly, over the low roar of the other students, one voice called out much louder than the others. Someone was at the doors leading inside, shouting into the sky like the world needed to hear what he had to say. Kenji didn't quite catch all of his monologue as he was lost in his own thoughts about the school, but what he did hear was that the number one hero had arrived. That was a new kind of excitement all together for him. He had never seen her before except on tv, so he eagerly called back to the voice with his antennae suddenly perking up straight as if trying to sniff her out of the crowd. [color=00a99d]"Magical Miracle Purity Light?! Where?!"[/color] Kenji buzzed, his eyes filled with starry wonder.[hr]Interactions: [@King Cosmos] [@ShwiggityShwah] [hider=tl;dr]Kenji assures Akeno that he is more or less unharmed after the exam and mentally processes his own optimism for the school's and his own future. Then naively assumes that Hiroki was talking about Japan's actual number 1 hero, accidentally making a mockery of his statement.[/hider]