wut i think[hr] Character sheets are an important medium of reference for authors writing for a personality that goes beyond just a self-insert. What you want to think is "what, based on my character's unique history and motivations, would THEY say or do here". Having a character sheet there for you to fall back on helps to follow that line of thinking and not have the character gradually become an idealized version of the writer behind them. Also they help with consistency for all parties. Did this character have blonde or black hair? Is my character comparatively shorter or taller than them? I don't want to write that I'm gazing up at them after forgetting that my character is actually 6 inches taller! Where was that scar at? What was their siblings name again? Writers can forget a lot of these things over the corse of dozens of posts, but we shouldn't make that mean that our character somehow "forgot" whether they met their best friend in 3rd grade or 4th grade. It just isn't realistic. I should also mention my position on overly complicated character sheets. It is good to leave some of these things a secret to your group/partner so that there can still be a shocking reveal later in the narrative. And also we shouldn't forget that making character sheets is ultimately useless when we abandon the stories they were for and just move on to the next character. Making a character sheet is fun, but the real fun is what comes next.