[color=silver][center]Arianna aka The Drifter[/center][/color] The silvery seal scoffed at Leviathan's comment. [color=silver]"Things are only out of the ordinary when they're not where they belong, human."[/color]She mind-whispered to him. Then she swam over next to Aquaman and did her best to copy the Atlantean soldier salute with fins. [color=silver]"Ready for duty, sir"[/color] Even if that duty was going to involve serving with a raider. Her skin crawled, thinking of the aftermath of Exsules raids she'd witnessed. Such were the prices though for managing to join Aquaman's Justice League. She wasn't going to screw this up for the rest of Selkie kind. She'd definitely have her jabs at the surface men that managed to invade the team, but nothing that would truly harm her place. Meanwhile, she would do her duty and prove her worth and that of her race. While also having to respectfully disagree with king-consort Aquaman on a few details of how things were going to work. [color=silver]"Sir, I don't think this earpiece will work for my seal form."[/color] She stated while precariously balancing the thing on her fin. At the very least, she could quickly shove it under her skin for her surface form to be able to grab a hold of when it came out.